TAKE ACTION: Tell Your Florida State Representatives to Teach Children the Truth about Communism! thumbnail

TAKE ACTION: Tell Your Florida State Representatives to Teach Children the Truth about Communism!

By Dr. Rich Swier

Over a quarter of Americans (26%) support the “gradual elimination of a capitalist system in favor of a more socialist system. Thirty percent of younger Americans (Gen Z) have a favorable view of Marxism. More than one-in-three members (38%) of Gen Z hope Joe Biden ‘pursues socialist policies over capitalist ones’ if elected.” Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation

The Christian Family Coalition Florida in an email titled “Teach the truth of communism!” wrote:

On Thursday, February 24th, the Florida House will debate and vote on HB-395. 

The bill requires the Governor to annually issue a proclamation designating November 7 as “Victims of Communism Day” and calls for public schools to suitably observe such day as a day honoring the 100 million people who have fallen victim to communist regimes across the world. The bill also calls for the observance of Victims of Communism Day by public exercise in the State Capitol and elsewhere as designated by the Governor.

Recent studies show that 28-33% of Millennials and Generation Z, support or have a favorable view of Communism and Marxism!

Contact your State Representative!

This should concern all freedom-loving Americans. If we don’t fight back now, government schools will continue to indoctrinate the next generation in this failed system.  Millions of immigrants have already fled this murderous ideology that’s failed every time it’s been practiced.

This legislation requires high school students enrolled in the U.S. Government course to receive at least 45 minutes of instruction on “Victims of Communism Day” on topics of communist dictators and how the victims of communism suffered under these regimes.

Please send a message to your state representative and tell them to vote YES on HB-395!

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RELATED ARTICLE: Annual Survey Shows Rise in Support for Socialism, Communism