The Myths of Transhumanism, their Constitution & the Transhumanist Party thumbnail

The Myths of Transhumanism, their Constitution & the Transhumanist Party

By Dr. Rich Swier

A reader (HT/NH) sent us a link to the Constitution of the United States Transhumanist Party which took effect on January 1, 2021.

The Constitution of the United States Transhumanist Party states:

Article I. Immutable Principles of the United States Transhumanist Party

The United States Transhumanist Party is defined at its core by the following principles. While the remainder of the Party’s platform, bylaws, and operations may in the future be subject to alterations by decisions of the membership, the statements below are considered immutable and may not be altered.

Section I. Core Ideals:

Ideal 1. The United States Transhumanist Party supports significant life extension achieved through the progress of science and technology.

Ideal 2. The United States Transhumanist Party supports a cultural, societal, and political atmosphere informed and animated by reason, science, and secular values.

Ideal 3. The United States Transhumanist Party supports efforts to use science, technology, and rational discourse to reduce and eliminate various existential risks to the human species.

Our reader NH had this spot on comment,

Article I. Immutable? Immutable means not capable of or susceptible to change, so they admit their point is not true in that their cause contradicts their origin of debate.

We responded to NH with the following,

Very interesting, thanks for sharing. There’s one scientific truth: There is a 100% probability every human being will at some point die.

The question is if you want life everlasting then you must believe in Jesus.

The Transhumanists are atheists and call for “secular values” only in Ideal 2. Thus they will miss out on going to heaven.

Ironic, isn’t it. The one thing that Transhumanists want, life everlasting, they cannot have.

At  the Commencement Address at Yale University, June 11 1962 John F. Kennedy said,

The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie – deliberate, contrived, and dishonest, but the myth – persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.”

The United States Transhumanist Party supports efforts to use science, technology, and rational discourse to reduce and eliminate various existential risks to the human species, which is problematic in that rational discourse to reduce/eliminate existential risks to the human species like Covid, the negative long and short term effects of Covid vaccines, abortion, climate change, non-binary, transgender, genderqueer anti-science fiction taught in public schools, colleges, universities  and to our military thus degrading our national security, as well as communist economic and social policies are forbidden to be debated and even censored by the legacy media, social media, scientists, academics and government officials.

Transhumanists and their constitution is a myth. It is unrealistic in that its basis is dishonest and lacks critical thinking. Today a growing segment of science does not advance mankind today.

Rather science is being used against mankind to mandate getting vaxxed, promoting the propaganda of climate change and pushing for the control of CO2 when CO2 is scientifically proven to be necessary for the flourishing of mankind, plants and animals.

We wonder if  these Transhumanists will take on these scientific falsehoods?

While we agree in reason and support science for the betterment of mankind, we reject governments using science against those it is required to protect, defend and support.

We shall see if the Transhumanists take on these issues. We will be waiting and watching what they do. Actions speak louder than words.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.