Twitter Sends Me a Notice: They Investigate a German’s Complaint About My Post Yesterday

If you missed it, that post where I reported on an interview with retired General Thomas McInerney who called the election heist we have been witnessing a treasonous act, is here.
Imagine my surprise to get this notice (below) from Twitter.  And, imagine my further surprise to learn that someone in Germany can use a German law to silence my speech!
Here is a screenshot.  I am assuming this is legitimate as the link in the e-mail takes you to a Twitter page, here.
Oh joy, Twitter ruled in my favor….
But, what the heck is the Network Enforcement Act?
It is a controversial GERMAN law passed in 2017!

Reporters Without Borders and other critics spoke of a “rush job” that “could massively damage the basic right to freedom of the press and freedom of expression.

So Germans can complain to Twitter about something I, an American citizen, is saying about an American election! 

I wonder if Twitter asks the complainer for proof of German residency or citizenship?
By the way, I know that Twitter has messed with my account @RefugeeWatcher there for a very long time, so I am not worrying about gathering more followers, nor do I tweet much, but it is, for now, a very handy place to get real time news on the election fraud such as the President’s tweet about the Hannity interview in my previous post.
EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.