Ukraine’s Zelenskyy: U.S. Must Now Send its ‘Sons and Daughters’ to ‘Fight and Die’ for Ukraine! thumbnail

Ukraine’s Zelenskyy: U.S. Must Now Send its ‘Sons and Daughters’ to ‘Fight and Die’ for Ukraine!

By Dr. Rich Swier

Escalation. Zelenskyy doesn’t just want our money and equipment. Now he wants our sons and daughters blood. 

We have been warning our friends who support the Biden regimes support for Ukraine and Zelenskyy. We have warned that the war, like in Iraq and Afghanistan, would continue escalate.

Watch Zelenskyy call for the shedding of American blood in his defense.

Zelensky has no idea what he just did. HUGE mistake.

Taking our tax dollars is one thing. We are already not used to getting any of it anyways.

But now he is talking about taking the lives of the American children for his war?

If there is one bear you don’t poke, it’s the…

— (@DailyNoahNews) March 1, 2023


When polled the American people overwhelmingly (80%) oppose the United States being the world’s policeman. When polled, again overwhelmingly, Americans believe we are involving ourselves in too many wars. And increasingly, America opposes the billions and militaria we are sending to a country they care little and no less about – Ukraine.

In an article titled BIG MISTAKE: Zelensky Says U.S. Must Now Send “Sons and Daughters” to Fight and DIE for Ukraine! Travis reports,

EDITOR’S NOTE: we are working to validate the translation of this clip, but multiple outlets are reporting it is accurate.  If you are able to translate and confirm, please leave a comment.  It is possible this is fake translation, and we are working to confirm.  In the meantime, this is perhaps the worst video clip we have heard from Zelensky.  -Noah

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’ve about heard enough from Ukraine’s actor/Prime Minister Volodymyr Zelensky.

The man has continued to demand money form the United States is spite of the billions upon billions of dollars that he’s already received.

He’s also been basically urging for World War 3 and US involvement for months.

Zelensky may have just pissed off the entire United States with his most recent comments…

He just made a bold demand revealing just what exactly he wants from the US.

Volodmyr Zelensky wants your sons and daughters to fight this war for him, and he fully expects them to die.

Read more.

Here’s a related tweet that sees how Zelenskyy is using the Biden regime’s narrative that Russia won’t stop just with Ukraine.

Zelensky says it is “dangerous” for Americans to question the amount of aid being given to Ukraine because “if Ukraine loses, Russia is going to enter Baltic states, NATO member states and the U.S. will have to send their sons and daughters to war and they will be dying.”

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) February 24, 2023

It’s now time to stop this madness. President Trump warned that we’re closer to WWIII than ever before.

Believe him.


If the Ukraine War continues we will lose regardless of the outcome

The Bottom Line

Biden, the Department of Defense and Congress has fueled the current conflict in Ukraine. Funneling money and equipment to Ukraine while Americans want security on our borders and an America first strategy that keeps us out of war.

Currently Biden and his handlers have supported our enemies and ignored our friends globally.

If WW III begins it will happen either in the Middle East (Iran v Israel), Eastern Europe (Russian v Ukraine) or in the Far East (China v Taiwan or Japan). All of these conflicts could escalate into a nuclear conflict as the nation states in each theatre have nuclear weapons.

With Zelenskyy’s recent comments the most likely scenario for WWIII is now Russia v United States.

We truly are on the brink of WW III and it is unfolding before our eyes.

©Dr. Rich Swier, LTC U.S. Army (Ret.) All rights reserved.


Head War Cheerleader says it out loud: “We’ll fight Russia down to the last Ukrainian .”

— Patrick Henningsen (@21WIRE) March 1, 2023

NEW—Zelensky warns the US what will happen if Ukraine loses:

“The US will have to send their sons and daughters exactly the same way as we are sending our sons and daughters to war… because it’s NATO that we’re talking about, and they will be dying.”

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) February 28, 2023