US terror database classifies 9/11 jihadis as ‘White/Caucasian non-Hispanic,’ 9/11 victims as killed by whites

Remember this the next time you hear a government or media talking head declare that government studies show that “white supremacist,” “right-wing” violence is the greatest threat America faces today.
“Study: Obama’s TEVUS crime database hides BLM, ANTIFA violence and inflates white, right-wing violence,” by Brad Johnson, American Military News, November 17, 2020:

Terrorism and Extremist Violence in the United States (TEVUS) is a US government-funded database that tabulates violent attacks in the United States. Used by the US government and media alike, it is one of the fundamental sources of information about who is conducting violent attacks in the United States. TEVUS reporting appears to set out to cover up Islamic, Arab, Black Nationalist, and Left-Wing terrorism and extremist violence and attempts to document white and right-wing violence where little to no violence actually exists.
Much of the information about the existence of right-wing violence does in fact come from the responsible agency, which in this case is the Department of Homeland Security via TEVUS. The latest annual Homeland Threat Assessment published in October 2020 by DHS director Chad Wolf, stated:  “That is why we design our programs to be threat agnostic – ensuring that we can combat a broad range of domestic threats. However, I am particularly concerned about white supremacist violent extremists who have been exceptionally lethal in their abhorrent, targeted attacks in recent years.”
TEVUS is a compilation of four open-source terror and extremism-related databases:

  1. The American Terrorism Study, led by researchers at the Terrorism Research Center at the University of Arkansas
  2. The Global Terrorism Database, led by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism housed at the University of Maryland
  3. The US Extremist Crime Database, compiled by researchers located at Michigan State University, John Jay College, Indiana University – Purdue University, Indianapolis, and Seattle University.
  4. Profiles of Perpetrators of Terrorism in the US.

TEVUS uses their reporting and simply excludes many violent acts if they were perpetrated by non-whites — or worse, outright lies about the races of the individuals conducting violent acts. In a blatant display of data manipulation, the exclusively Arab 9/11 hijackers who murdered nearly 3,000 innocent people were categorized by TEVUS as “White/Caucasian non-Hispanic” and as a result, TEVUS is able to attribute all of those killed in 9/11 to whites. This is by far the largest source of deaths attributed to acts of violence by whites and wildly throws off the actual statistics to make white right-wing violence appear common. TEVUS reports there are 39 court cases which they characterize as right-wing, yet there is only one reference of any kind to terrorism in any of these court cases and that was a single instance where the attacker referred to his target as a ‘terrorist’ and a ‘suicide bomber.’
TEVUS systematically covers up the violence associated with black nationalist groups such as Black Lives Matter (BLM), even though BLM activists and supporters have allegedly killed at least 11 police officers and wounded nine since 2014 — none of that information is included. TEVUS also systematically excludes left-wing violence and does not contain a single reference to ANTIFA, for example, a group that is routinely violent and openly promotes violence….

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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

2 replies
  1. Bob
    Bob says:

    In other words: We politicize ourselves to hide totalitarian subversives and communist/jihadi/marxist insurrections in the US by utilizing social labeling to either distract the public from on-going issues that threaten everybody’s way of life because a third party company that is likely of foreign origin overseas under the guise of a threat assessment funded by philanthropist billionaires said so.

  2. Bob
    Bob says:

    FYI this is the same Chad Wolf that spent the last 30 years running TSA. The same TSA that showed little to no results in preventing and stopping terror attacks. TSA was a rushed program after 9/11 because of fear. This is the same Chad that defended the CISA cyber guy that claimed there was no security issues with election software which has been proven false for the last decade and a half. This is the same director who gets a 6 digit salary to overlook on-going jihadi communist underground insurrections that say groups like BLM and Antifa and its associates (internationally and financially) are only an idea instead of an organization.

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