VIDEO: EU Takes Hungary to Court for their Refusal to Groom Children into Deviancy thumbnail

VIDEO: EU Takes Hungary to Court for their Refusal to Groom Children into Deviancy

By Vlad Tepes Blog

The following video is from EuroNews, the European equivalent of the CBC, CTV or Global News. It is about how the European Commission, the actual toothy part of the European Union, is taking Hungary to court over protecting its children from sexual deviant conditioning. Note the lapel pin on the spokesman’s shirt. It has a flag celebrating non-reproductive sex next to the European Union one of equal size.

At a certain point I cannot help but think all these recent policies are about one thing. Not having children. From sterilizing kids via the “trans-scam” to promoting homosexuality or pretty much any kind of sex that won’t lead to creating children, from regulations that make it increasingly difficult to actually raise children, divorce laws that make it insane for men to get married and have children, even step-children, and to equating the embracing and celebrating of homosexuality to the emancipation of slavery, only one thing is consistent in all these policies that make any kind of sense of it.

From the Euronews website:

The European Commission has referred Hungary to the EU’s Court of Justice over two cases concerning freedom of speech that, after more than one year, remain unresolved. It marks a new chapter in the standoff between Brussels and Budapest over fundamental democratic values. The first case relates to the highly controversial Children Protection Act, a law whose stated purpose is to safeguard children’s well-being and fight paedophilia.

As part of the overall text, lawmakers from Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz party introduced an amendment that prohibits the portrayal of homosexuality and gender reassignment in content addressed to minors, such as school education material and TV programmes.

It was not long ago that presenting this material to Children in Canada was a crime. Now it’s compulsory. So I hope atheists can forgive the believers in their assertion that what we are witnessing is Satanic. At the moment, that seems like a pretty decent adjective.

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