What would Jesus do if he went to Washington, D.C. today? thumbnail

What would Jesus do if he went to Washington, D.C. today?

By Dr. Rich Swier

I recently felt compelled to find references in the Bible on the topic of politics. Some argue that politics and religion do not mix well. Others believe otherwise.

I was driven to understand what is happening because there have been only two Presidents of these United States who are Catholic. The first was President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) and the second is Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. (JRB).

I wanted to understand how two Presidents belonging to the same faith comparted to one another and to the teachings of the Bible, that both have embraced.

John Adams wrote:

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

QUESTION: What would Jesus do if he went to Washington, D.C. today?

One resource if found enlightening was the website OpenBible.info, which gave me 100 references using the search word “politics.”