When Democrats Tell You They’re Going to Establish Truth and Reconciliation Commissions, Believe Them!

Leftists are saying they want you brainwashed or destroyed, and you should pay attention. They are impossibly mired in lies and hatred, but they have at times been oddly forthright about their plans, such as when Nancy Pelosi declared that Trump would lead at the end of election night but would not win, and when the New York Times claimed that the media would declare the winner of the presidential election, just as it is doing now. So when so many prominent Leftists are calling for the reeducation of Trump supporters or else their total ostracism from society, no one would be wise to dismiss these calls as empty threats.
As PJ Media noted on October 21, Bill Clinton’s Labor Secretary Robert B. “Third” Reich got the ball rolling when he tweeted:

“When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”

It quickly became clear that this wasn’t just Reich’s individual lust for Maoism, as numerous others quickly echoed him. Recalling Stalin’s practice of putting his political opponents in mental hospitals, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes couched his call in humanitarian terms:

“The most humane and reasonable way to deal with all these people, if we survive this, is some kind of truth and reconciliation commission.”

Neocon Never-Trumper William Kristol, out for blood, then exposed the vengeful core of all this when he responded to Hayes with,

“How about truth and no reconciliation?”

Sarah Taylor, a professor at Cal East Bay, was likewise in no mood for forgiveness:

“What we need is more along the lines of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Empathy at this point would be completely counterproductive – it would exacerbate the harms that have already been done.”

As is typical of the Left, these hate-filled ideologues projected their hatred onto their prospective victims. Wajahat Ali, an op-ed writer for the New York Times, offered the media-anointed president-elect some unsolicited advice:

“Biden/Harris needs to establish a war room just for media and messaging. You have treat [sic] the Republican Party and right wing media as the increasingly extremist group that they are. Biden has to heal the nation, court the voters, but the right wing movement is hostile.”

Yes, as Antifa and Black Lives Matter burn down cities, it’s the “right wing movement” that is “hostile.”
Meanwhile, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Lubyanka Prison) predicted what would be the fate of the “hostile” — professional and personal ruin:

“Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.”

Michael Simon, a former Obama administration staffer, was ready to help. He tweeted in response (and later deleted the tweet):

“Yes, we are. Every administration staffer, campaign staffer, bundler, lawyer who represented them – everyone.”

He linked to “The Trump Accountability Project,” a website that proclaims ominously: “Remember what they did.” Remember it, apparently, in order to hound these people out of public life and into poverty or worse.
Emily Abrams, a Pete Buttigieg campaign worker, tweeted (and then made her account private):

“We’re launching the Trump Accountability Project to make sure anyone who took a paycheck to help Trump undermine America is held responsible for what they did.”

Chief among those who must be held accountable is, of course, Trump himself. Philip Michaels, senior group editor for the tech publication Tom’s Guide, tweeted:

“Well. Announce the truth and reconciliation commissions and impeach him once more, for old time’s sake.”

But it would be by no means limited to Trump, as the Washington Post’s allegedly conservative Jennifer Rubin made clear:

“Any R now promoting rejection of an election or calling to not to follow the will of voters or making baseless allegations of fraud should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position or be accepted into ‘polite’ society. We have a list.”

Elizabeth Warren supporter Max Berger of the Justice Democrats added:

“The only unity we should seek with Trump Republicans is a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Trump should be prosecuted for his crimes to the full extent of the law. Congress should investigate the vast corruption and carelessness of his administration that led to 10000s of needless deaths. Collaborators shouldn’t be able to re-enter society without a mea culpa.”

Beyond the people responsible for the scourge of Trump, Trumpist ideas (presumably including the idea that an American president should put America first and stand for the First and Second Amendments) must be rooted out. The godfather of fake news himself, Dan Rather, chimed in:

“There is no healing without a reckoning on injustice.”

Joe Lockhart of CNN tweeted:

“Truth and reconciliation requires both things. We need to examine what went so wrong in America over the last four years so we don’t ever repeat this dark time. Truth and reconciliation requires both things.”

Sherrilyn Ifill of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund agreed:

“With respect, this not the time for healing. We have not properly diagnosed the sickness or cleaned the wound. We have not begun to investigate why the illness was allowed to fester so long or identified those who withheld early treatment.”

And these were being pushed by Leftist “entertainers” as well. Actress Lesley-Ann Brandt stated: “America needs a truth and reconciliation commission.” Her fellow thespian Quinn Cummings brought in “racism” and “Russia,” neither of which is far from any Leftist’s political discussion:

“Again, a Truth and Reconciliation Commission would be highly useful. Russia is at war with us and cohort of Americans thinks that isn’t true because their skin is white.”

Writer Shay Stewart Bouley thought that writing Trump’s wrongs would involve some remuneration of his supposed victims:

“By the way, we can’t heal from Trump, when we haven’t healed from, or made amends for this country’s history. Reparations? Truth and reconciliation across the board? That’s how healing starts.”

Amid all this, the winner of the prize for the most hysterical tweet about rounding up conservatives was novelist D. C. Petterson:

“Oh, the crimes of the Trump Reich must be punished. We need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, or a series of Nuremberg Trials, or an extradition treaty with The Hague. That’s a necessary first step.”

Quixotic 2016 presidential candidate Evan McMullin agreed:

“As I’ve done for years, I’m proud to stand with anyone who repudiates Trumpism including his supporters or even most who worked in his administration. But his core cronies in Congress, the White House and elsewhere who enable his attacks on the republic must be held accountable.”

All this makes it clear: the support for personal and professional retribution against Trump supporters is broad and deep on the Left today. If Biden does indeed become president , expect these little Stalinists to be emboldened, and to go as far as they possibly can to achieve their goals.
The showdown for the defense of free society is coming.

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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.