Abrams Required Schoolkids to Mask Up So She Could Go Maskless thumbnail

Abrams Required Schoolkids to Mask Up So She Could Go Maskless

By Discover The Networks

President-wannabe and voter fraud enthusiast Stacey Abrams, who sparked controversy by appearing maskless among dozens of masked-up children during a recent visit to a Georgia elementary school, did so “on the condition that everyone around her” wore a face covering — including the children, her campaign said.

Over the weekend, a photo surfaced showing the failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate grinning amid dozens of children at Glennwood Elementary School in Decatur. City Schools of Decatur mandate masks for students and employees. Nationwide outrage ensued.

“Her campaign said she wore a mask to the event and only removed it so she could be heard by students watching remotely and for a handful of photos on the condition that everyone around her was wearing face-coverings,” the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

Georgia gubernatorial candidate, former Sen. David Perdue (R-GA), slammed Abrams and other Democrats in an “Unmask Our Kids” digital ad, and changing his Twitter header to the now-infamous image of the unmasked Abrams surrounding by masked-up elementary school children. The photo includes the caption, “Unmask Our Kids.”

“In so many ways,” tweeted former Trump adviser Stephen Miller, “this picture embodies the elitism, arrogance, cruelty, science denial, and glib authoritarianism of Joe Biden’s Democrat Party.

He left out “blatant hypocrisy,” but otherwise, Miller’s message was spot on.

Stacey Abrams

32 Known Connections

Condemning America’s “Systemic Racism”

In July 2020, Abrams told The Washington Post:

“[W]rit large, our challenge in America is that justice does not get meted out equally. In fact, it doesn’t even humanize many blacks who are killed, particularly by those who are sworn to protect them. And so I think this racial moment we are having begins with this conversation of extrajudicial killings, but it cannot be divorced from the disproportionate number of deaths by black Americans based on COVID-19, the disproportionate effect of infection rates, and the economic collapse that is hurting black and brown communities at higher rates than anyone else, and the lack of attention being paid to the disproportionate number of people of color who also face voter suppression. The systemic racism that we see in our society is wrapped into everything from our environment to criminal justice to the application of justice, and the moment we try to say that these things are separate, we set ourselves up once again for the kind of protest and demonstrations we see now. But the extent to which we acknowledge that these are interwoven, through systemic racism, systemic inequities, and systemic injustice, then we can begin to start to address them.”

To learn more about Stacey Abrams, click here.


Students whose families oppose masks arrive at a Loudoun County school board meeting carrying baskets full of affidavits.pic.twitter.com/b9zlATl42x

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) February 9, 2022

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