America and the Global Communist Conspiracy

The political turmoil in America is not accidental it has been rising and growing for decades, but you may not have noticed it, because you don’t know the enemy behind the turmoil. The corrupt FBI deprived you of knowing the enemy by sabotaging and banning my books and columns. When my first book was published, the FBI submitted my name to the FISA Court making me a foreign agent in 2002. Since then you have not being able to get the key knowledge—this was the time when the enemies prepared their plot against our American Republic. They did and you are now witnessing it in the 2020 political turmoil in America’s election… There is a causation missed by many pundits…
Russian Operation Disinformation existed as a part of a monumental Russian project, the outline of a design to destroy the American Constitutional Republic and the pundits missed the elephant in the room for the past four years.  The anti-Trump forces had the task of diverting, and dissuading your attention from the DNC, who had been collaborating with Russian Intel for decades, to cover-up the crimes they committed, the crime of TREASON. There has never been a Trump/Russia collusion, in fact, there was a DNC/Russian Intel collusion. The entire ordeal of various witch hunts against Trump for years has been a fraud to cover-up the crime committed by the DNC/Russian collusion… Read here my column: The Global Spy Ring, January 1, 2018
I don’t agree with Mark Thiessen and Victor Davis Hanson suggesting that Trump should concede to focus his forces on the 2024 election. A very incompetent advice-the two hadn’t read my books and columns. Both still don’t realize that the government of the KGB is coming to Washington D.C. to run America. Trump won’t have any opportunity to do anything, even if he is not in prison (a possible reality). Considering the integrity of our election process and the challenges to our national security, Trump must do the most in the time left to him to expose the worldwide Communist fraud…

Socialist/Communist/ Subversion of America

I am a former Soviet attorney, writing about the subversion of America, by the Global Communist Conspiracy and a Global Spy Ring of America’s enemies for thirty-five years. To grasp my ideas, you have to know at least three elements of reality: First: Truman’s party is dead, it was infiltrated, contaminated and converted into America’s Socialist Party by the Russian Intel and the Party simultaneously populated the “Swamp”. As in the USSR, they are going against the dissent, be prepared for growing violence. Don’t take my word, just look at the platform, policy, and projects the Dems entertain and follow today. This is the reason I have introduced you to the term Socialist Charlatans.
Second: There is no more Classic Liberals, they had been annihilated by Stalin in the 20th century. We are dealing with the Radical Left, which has a more appropriate name—Socialist Charlatans. These people have been indoctrinated, brainwashed and programmed for decades. Third: Understanding the power and reach of the KGB and the status quo of Russia. Using the term KGB, I mean the entire Russian Intel—it is a collective image–those three letters are familiar to the vast majority of Americans.
If you think that the Collapse in 1991 of the Soviet Union has changed Russia, you are wrong, you don’t know Russia and her Intel. As a matter of fact, it wasn’t a collapse of the USSR, it was a collapse of the Socialist economy that couldn’t produce and compete with capitalism. Yet, the collapse didn’t touch the security apparatus (the real power in the country)—the KGB. Using the instability and chaos in Russia during those days, the Socialist KGB took over and catapulted Vladimir Putin to the presidency—and the circle of authority was established and closed. Today Russia runs by the same KGB apparatus. The old socialist economy was replaced by a crony capitalism under the secured KGB’s total control…
There is an axiom in political philosophy: peaceful coexistence between Capitalism and Socialism is a myth—they are absolute mortal enemies and one of them must be defeated. It is the law of survival hence, Russia and China will be seen together fighting capitalism. The major role in this fight for now belongs to the devoted disciple of Stalin and Andropov—Vladimir Putin. He has the arsenal of a KGB Army in America built for decades. This Mafia-Army has infiltrated all corners of our society, courts, business’ sports, democratic institutions, and created a Socialist mentality within the minds of vast majority of the Americans, corrupting and secularizing the society. Remember the Communist modus operandi to hide the Truth with lies, deceit, cheating, and fraud.

Putin’s KGB Mafia-Army in America

I have already listed some Communists, soldiers of the KGB Army, they are in positions that allow them to subvert our political system. I am not surprised by the massive fraud identified in Michigan, Communist Debby Dingle deceived and defrauded people with her eyes open for years. I can’t stand her. In the latest episode Republican Monica Palmer refused to certify the election, so she was called racist, intimidated, her life was threatened the names of her children published by the Dems. This is a Communist tactic, which reminded me of the 1992 election, when the life of Ross Perot’s daughter was threatened. Perot forsook his candidacy and Bill Clinton became the American President. The same criminal method had been used to change Justice Roberts’, political judgement. Knowledge of Russian Intel is a Must! Read: The Soviet Mafia, by Arcady Vaksberg, St. Martin Press, 1991, and my column: Fascist Evil is at Our Door, 24, 11, 2018
In Minnesota we have a Communist Attorney General. Let alone Gorge Soros, Bernie Sanders, and the Socialist apparatchik Stacy Abrams. They were undermining American Republic for years. It is hard to be openly against First and Second Amendments: Socialist Charlatans know that Trump ties by umbilical cord to the American Republic. So they use Stalin’s policy of personal destruction against Trump for four years. You saw it. I also believe that the George Floyd-riots were organized, calculated and coordinated by the Dems as a beginning of the putsch against the American Republic and President Trump–today we having the result. The KGB has already given us two American Manchurian Presidents. I am afraid that the third one is coming…
Please, look at this document:

The Transition Integrity Project is a document worked out by Putin’s KGB with the leadership of the Democrat Party. In fact, it presents the well-organized stages of Socialist Revolution in America, the tactics of game-play to secure the Biden victory. Don’t be confused by the words integrity, bipartisan, and a peaceful appearance to convince you. The title is crap to hide the Truth and instead to create chaos, a constitutional crises by design to topple the American Constitutional Republic.

Actually it is a continuation of the witch hunts against Trump, the screed type of Impeachment against Trump. Do you remember Pelosi being in a hurry during the Impeachment farce on the eve of Christmas 2019? The rush can be explained: she was informed by China that Covid-19 was on its way to America—Socialists and Communists are always working together. Analyzing the documents plus the events presiding them and following Pelosi’s actions gives you the real picture of the well-crafted plot, a coup against President Trump. The Chinese Communist COVID-19 is a deadly missile launched to help the Dems’ coup to destroy the American Republic. The subject of COVID-19 has required a separate column.
Remember it is the war against American capitalism. That is one of the reasons Biden from Delaware had been chosen by the KGB. Let me remind you of my definition of WW III: recruitments, infiltrations, drugs, and assassinations. This process was going on for decades in America. Mafia loves the money. Don’t be surprised that the financial sector supports Joe Biden, he is from Delaware and he is the existential thread to the American Republic. Here are some statistics:

“The total number of LLCs registered in the First State crossed the one million mark and continue to be the domicile of choice for members of the Fortune 500. Over a million businesses—publicly traded companies in the U.S. and more than 60 percent of Fortune 500 companies—are incorporated in Delaware.  More than half of U.S. publicly-traded companies and fully of the Fortune 500 were among that number, according to the states, 68.8 percent of all Fortune 500 companies are incorporated in Delaware.”  Considering the written above, the next step is Corporate Fascism in America.

Communist Patterns of Subversion

When I am writing this column, Rudy Giuliani and his group of lawyers speak about a fraud in the election 2020. Sidney Powell outlined what could be the greatest crime in American history. As many as 2.7 million votes were said to have changed in swing states, where Trump was winning, to favor Joe Biden and were key in Biden winning those states. Time will tell, but I know that some kind of interference and manipulation took place. Maybe Sidney Powell was right. I was watching the Washington State for a decade, every Republican winning the election was defeated by Dem ballots that appeared after the election. That was a typical sign of the Communist fraud—the leadership in the state definitely has ties with the KGB Mafia-Army…
As a former Soviet attorney I ask you to read my column: The Fascist Putsch in America.  The centralized infiltration into our midst by the foreign governments in concert with the Dems is much bigger and more sinister than you think. The putsch is run and coordinated by three Presidents: Bill Clinton, Obama, and Putin to implement Socialism in America. Read my columns on the KGB: Venezuela’s or Serbia’s electronic machines count our election with the aid of “communist money”: both are Russia’s puppets. The KGB’ Mafia-Army is going around our checks and balances and converting American electoral system into the Soviet one! Knowledge of Russian Intel is a Must.
Don’t listen to the pundits who don’t know Russia and her Intel, like Jonah Goldberg and Chris Christie, they will confuse and deceive you. Knowledge of Russia and her Intel is a MUST. But what outraged me the most is the silence of the FBI and DOJ, they have disappeared from the Earth, providing the KGB Mafia-Army with free hand to undermine and destroy the American Republic. The names of Christopher Wray, William Barr, and Michael Blumberg will go to history as the people who help the KGB to destroy and extinguish the American Republic. And another outrage: Harvard University raises the possibility of preventing any Trump representative from entering Harvard territory. Professor Dershowitz called it McCarthyism. I don’t agree—it is Soviet Socialism or Chinese Communism, which is the same totalitarianism. I have an impression that it is not America I live in, but I have been returned back to the Soviet Union.
The upcoming Senatorial runoffs in Georgia are critically important, it can prevent the Dems from having the Senate. Just look at the Dems’ candidates and you will be stunned by their anti-American views and connection to the Socialist/Communist ideology—they are typical Socialist Charlatans of America in Georgia—the cadres of Stacy Abrams. Look at their anti-American views and connection with China. Senator Kelly Loeffler faces a Socialist Charlatan, who hosted Fidel Castro, He wants to change America, which is the substance and goal of the Communist conspiracy!!! Ukrainian-born GOP Congresswoman-elect Victoria Spartz, of Indiana, warned that the American left is now “building socialism” like she saw in the Soviet Union. Political Insider, November 16, 2020.
There will be the protests in Atlanta, watch Antifa and BLM, both are for the Dems’ candidates against Trump’s supporters. Read my columns about Antifa and BLM, they are the Dems’ armed forces, trained by the KGB…
It was a Communist global scheme! Fight back to save the world and win! The Republicans must expose Socialist Charlatans of America and show their real faces… God help us!
P.S. After this column has been written and edited, I received this document about a Communist voting machine:
APPALLING: Videos Prove Hacking E-Vote Machines Easy, Knowable, Training by YouTube, by Kelly O’Connell, Canada Free Press, 11. 22, 2020 INTRO: E-Vote Machine Hacking is Like an Olympic Sport. It’s so easy on the internet a teen & smartphone can master it! The 2020 election was hijacked by electronic fraud. Yet, a staggering number of articles and videos detail the simplicity of hacking E-Vote machines. Many stories come from mainstream media, now pretending elections can’t be rigged. Yet a communist voting machine is a handy companion for a day chock-full of fraud. See 2 Min Vote Hack. (8/16/18)

To be continued and at
Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clintons, Obamas, and Sanders by Simona Pipko
©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.