Biden Admin Powers Up Magnet to Attract Even More Illegal Aliens thumbnail

Biden Admin Powers Up Magnet to Attract Even More Illegal Aliens

By Michael Cutler

Before being sworn into office, Joe Biden sent a crystal clear message that his administration would undo many successful programs implemented by the Trump administration to secure the dangerous U.S.–Mexico border.

He quickly halted construction of the border wall and terminated the “Remain in Mexico” policy making aliens wait in Mexico while their applications for political asylum were adjudicated.

Even before Biden’s inauguration, caravans of illegal aliens from countries from around the world began forming in Mexico, impatiently waiting for his administration to take office.

On February 18, 2021, the Washington Post reported, “Biden memo for ICE officers points to fewer deportations and strict oversight.”

The bottom line for Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents was to avoid making any immigration arrests. You cannot get into trouble for what you don’t do!

Biden put Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of addressing the border crisis he refused to call a “crisis.”

Harris declined to visit the problematic southern border, finding various and sundry excuses to avoid it. You could say she was given a “no-show job” the way organized crime provides paychecks to mobsters who don’t really want to work.

Harris said she would meet with the leaders of Central American countries to address the “root causes” of mass migration to the United States.

There are two issues with this supposed strategy.

First of all, many illegal aliens lining up in massive caravans in Mexico are not from Central America but are citizens of other countries around the world, including nations that sponsor terrorism.

Second, while the prospect of working in the U.S. motivates many illegal aliens to come, there are many reasons for aliens to seek to enter illegally without inspection.

A review of the relevant section of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) 8 U.S. Code § 1182 (inadmissible aliens) provides the classes of aliens who cannot legally enter the United States — not because of superficial factors such as race, religion or ethnicity, but to safeguard national security, public safety, public health, and the jobs and wages of Americans.

Foreigners who seek to enter illegally do so because they know they belong to one or more classes of inadmissible aliens — including aliens infected with dangerous communicable diseases, or aliens who are criminals, spies, terrorists, fugitives from justice, human traffickers and/or drug smugglers.

Certainly one of the root causes of illegal immigration is the “push/pull” of poverty in the home countries of aliens who enter the U.S. illegally to seek employment under adverse conditions.

However, flooding the U.S. with an army of foreign workers displaces American and legal immigrant workers and drives down wages.

Additionally, aliens who work in the U.S. send billions of dollars in ill-gotten wages back to their families in their home countries. This means the money they earn will not circulate through the economy where the “multiplier effect” helps to generate growth, but instead is removed from the U.S. entirely. This has a huge adverse impact on our economy and increases the national debt significantly.

Furthermore, leaders of countries that receive remittances from their citizens working in the U.S. have no desire to interfere with those massive infusions of cash.

The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 was enacted during the Reagan administration. It called for many changes in our immigration laws and included a massive amnesty program.

In order to convince members of Congress to vote for the bill, a provision was included stipulating employers who knowingly hired illegal aliens could be fined and even prosecuted. In conjunction with that requirement, employers were made responsible for completing a form, the I-9, which would help verify new employees were legally entitled to work in the U.S.

The idea was to “turn of the magnet” that draws many illegal aliens to enter the U.S. in search of employment.

As an Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) agent back then, I was assigned to educate employers about their new responsibilities to properly complete the paperwork and screen their employees. My colleagues and I were happy about this provision designed to deter employment of illegal aliens and thwart the ability of unscrupulous employers to exploit illegal aliens.

However, the INS only had about 2,000 agents to cover many jobs across the entire country. This meant few employers would face scrutiny or consequences for employing illegal aliens, but it was better than nothing.

I preferred arresting criminal aliens, but there was also great satisfaction in arresting illegal aliens who were found working at a factory or other employment venue — then driving by that same factory a day later and seeing a long line of prospective employees lining up to be interviewed for jobs we had liberated.

On October 12, 2021, Fox News reported, “Mayorkas orders ICE to stop worksite raids, in latest limits on immigration enforcement.”

Mayorkas has powered up the magnet that entices aspiring illegal aliens from around the world to head for the U.S. by whatever means possible, confident they have friends in the Oval Office and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Secretary “Get to Yes” Mayorkas has truly turned the DHS into the Department of Homeland Surrender, just as I predicted he would.

In a recent press release about his plans to end the “Remain in Mexico” policy, Mayorkas referred to the flow of aliens entering the U.S. illegally as “irregular migration,” utilizing a term that should instead be used by the Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration and the Attorney General refer to concerned parents as “Domestic Terrorists” and salivate at the prospect of hiring thousands of IRS agents to conduct fishing expeditions into Americans’ bank accounts with more than $600.

The Biden administration has undermined national security, public safety, public health and the jobs and wages of Americans. However, profiteers of his open borders policies could not be happier.

©Michael Cutler.