BIDEN’S FINAL SOLUTION: ‘Mis and Disinformation’ Narratives the Department of Homeland Security Wants to Suppress thumbnail

BIDEN’S FINAL SOLUTION: ‘Mis and Disinformation’ Narratives the Department of Homeland Security Wants to Suppress

By Dr. Rich Swier

“There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always— do not forget this, Winston— always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever.” ― George Orwell, 1984

Watch as the Director of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas explains his departments role in “identify individuals who very well could be descending into violence by reason of ideologies of hate, false narratives or other disinformation and misinformation propagated on social media.”

In response to Alejandro Mayorkas testimony a survey was taken to name the “Disinformation Governance Board” that will suppress these “false narratives or other disinformation and misinformation.” At the moment 50% of respondents voted for “Ministry of Truth” on the twitter poll.

Do you prefer:

— JBP (@cutoff12) April 28, 2022

Remember when White House Press Secretary Psaki on July 15th, 2021 said, “We’re flagging problematic posts on Facebook that spread disinformation“:

Now we have come full circle. First it was Trump supporters who were put on trial for attending a mostly peaceful demonstration on January 6th, 2021 in Washington, D.C., then it was parents who were labeled by the DOJ as domestic terrorists for questioning what their children are taught in school.

Now the net has been cast much wider to include anyone who spreads mis or disinformation as determined by Biden, the Democrats and DHS.

The Washington Post’s Editorial Board wrote:

Insane as it is that the Department of Homeland Security has created a Disinformation Governance Board, it’s utter madness that the woman running it is Nina Jankowicz, who’s a veteran disinfo spreader.

She embraced and promoted the bogus Clinton-campaign-created Trump-Russia dossier. And she waged war on The Post’s true and accurate reporting of Hunter Biden’s laptop.

As our first laptop stories ran, The Associated Press reported: “Disinformation experts say there are multiple red flags that raise doubts about their authenticity, including questions about whether the laptop actually belongs to Hunter Biden, said Nina Jankowicz.”

She also told the AP: “We should view it as a Trump campaign product.”

Jankowicz soon shared another report “casting yet more doubt on the provenance of the New York Post’s Hunter Biden story.” And she tweeted that same day, “The emails don’t need to be altered to be part of an influence campaign. Voters deserve that context, not a [fairy] tale about a laptop repair shop.”

So Biden and Mayorkas have appointed a disinformation-spreader-in-chief Nina Jankowicz, who was a disinformation fellow at the Wilson Center, to chair the committee that will suppress disinformation and misinformation propagated on social media. Yet another uncontested absurdity that history tells us will not go well for we the people.

For Democrats this is the “final solution” to stop the truth from being told.

It is akin to Adolph Hitler appointing Rudolph Hess as Deputy Führer, Joseph Goebbels as Minister of Propaganda and and Adolph Eichmann to take care of the Jewish problem in Nazi, Germany all rolled into one.

Out List of Top Mis and Disinformation Narratives

  1. Biden Build Back Better Agenda is doing exactly the opposite.
  2. Covid mandates are designed for governments to control individual freedoms.
  3. Open borders are destroying America and we must close the borders and build the necessary walls to protect our soverienty.
  4. Covid vaccines are  not safe and the data is providing it.
  5. Covid booster shots don’t work, just look at Kamal Harris.
  6. There is something to see on Hunter Biden’s laptop that shows his father was enriching himself and the Biden family.
  7. Biden didn’t win the 2020 election fair and square.
  8. There was massive election fraud in the 2020 Presidential campaign particularly with mail in ballots.
  9. Biden in not only incompetent but his administration is actively working against America and its legal citizens.
  10. There is a clear and present danger in having an open borders policy.
  11. The 2020 Russia collusion narrative was bought and paid for by the Democrat Party and Hillary Clinton campaign.
  12. Social media sites like TicTok, Facebook and LinkedIn and search engines run by Google censor conservative voices and the truth.
  13. Democrats, teachers and the Biden administration are grooming children to become sex slaves to homosexuals and the LGBYTQ+ community.
  14. Critical Race Theory is not critical, not about race and the theory is a myth.
  15. Islam is not the religion of peace.
  16. Mankind cannot control neither the weather nor the climate.
  17. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.
  18. Abortion is a murder in the 1st degree.
  19. Being a traditional family with a mother, father and their biological children is the bedrock of every society.
  20. There are only two genders, male (XX) and female (XY).
  21. Parents have a inalienable right to decide what their children are taught in public schools.
  22. Taxing the rich is punishing success.
  23. Welfare is promoting failure and must be done away with.
  24. Deficit spending inextricably harms future generations.
  25. Mandates, e.g. covid, vaccine, are government tyranny writ large.
  26. Voter identification is a right and proper way to insure free and fair elections.
  27. Kneeling before our God and standing as we pledge allegiance to the flag is the American way.
  28. Freedom of religion, speech, the press and our ability to petition our elected leaders is the First and most important Amendment in the U.S. Constitution.
  29. The Democratic Party is bound and determined, with the help of other career politicians, to kill the American dream.
  30. Communism is evil and free markets are good and fair.
  31. God, not government, is who we worship and praise.

The Bottom Line

Welcome to 1984 in 2022. Democrats have the power, the will and the means to destroy our Constitutional Republican form of government.

They will continue to do so for as long as the electorate puts them in control.

We have labeled those who elected Biden “the depraved electorate.” The depraved are the 87% of Democrats who give Biden and his administration, “positive marks for the job he is doing.” The “depraved electorate” are willfully ignorant of what is really happening around them.

The republic can survive a Biden, who is after all, merely a buffoon.

It is less likely to survive a multitude of buffoons, such as those who made and now defend him as their president!

Time to focus on the depraved Bolshevist electorate who defend, encourage and support Biden, the prince of buffoons.

Will November 8th, 2022 will be a day of reckoning? Will the electorate give us conservative majorities in the House and Senate?

If not gird your loins. Armageddon is coming! It’s us patriots against the depraved Bolshevist electorate and their blood sucking supporters.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.