Bullies Carve Large Swastika into Autistic Jewish Child’s Back and the Nevada School Did Nothing thumbnail

Bullies Carve Large Swastika into Autistic Jewish Child’s Back and the Nevada School Did Nothing

By The Geller Report

With the rise of left-wing Nazism, Jew-killing is ignored and Jewish children are fair game.

Large swastika cut into autistic Jewish boy’s back in Nevada school

The boy’s mother filed a complaint after the school did nothing; the FBI is currently investigating it as a hate crime.

By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News, April 20, 2023:

The FBI is currently investigating as a hate crime an incident where a large swastika was cut into an autistic boy’s back in a Nevada public school, Ynet reported Tuesday.

The mother of the 17-year-old, who does not speak and attends the Clark High School in Las Vegas with both a service dog and a shadow, said that her son came home on March 9 with the marking. She also found that the dog’s equipment bag had been torn and resewn.

“My son is the only student I know of who wears a kippah at the school,” said the mother, making him visibly Jewish. Her immediate email to the school regarding the incident generated no investigation, with both the administration and her son’s assistant saying that “nothing happened at school,” said the mother to Orthodox Jewish news site COLlive.

The family filed a police complaint four days later, and then pulled the boy out of the school, she told the news site, “because it’s an unsafe environment.”

In an emailed correspondence with the Jewish Press, she added, “As far as I know, the one-on-one is still working at CCSD (Clark County School District). Her job is to be with my son. If she did not do [the etched mark], I believe she knows who did.”

As the school does not have cameras installed in its classrooms or hallways as many public schools do today, there is no video documentation of the hate crime and the FBI will have to rely on other means to find out who was involved.

Keep reading.


Pamela Geller

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.