CHICAGO: Democrat Alderwoman Asks Gang Members to Limit Their Shootings and Murders to Evening Hours thumbnail

CHICAGO: Democrat Alderwoman Asks Gang Members to Limit Their Shootings and Murders to Evening Hours

By Dr. Rich Swier

If it weren’t for Democrat policies coddling criminals and encouraging crime, Chicago wouldn’t be the hellhole it is today. There is a direct connection between decades of Democrat rule (and not just in Chicago by any means) and rampant crime and corruption.

How much are the residents of our once-great cities going to take?

How long are they going to tolerate living in increasingly dangerous and precarious circumstances, with politicians such as Maria Hadden offering laughable solutions such as this one, rather than vote out the sinister corruptocrats who have created this mess?

Chicago Democrat Asks Gang Members To Limit Shootings to Nighttime

by Ben Wilson, Washington Free Beacon, August 18, 2023:

A Chicago Democrat is asking gang members to limit their shootings and murders to the evening hours.

Democratic alderwoman Maria Hadden, in an email newsletter, promoted a proposal from the community group Native Sons called “the People’s Ordinance,” which asks gang members to not shoot between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.

“We have to start somewhere,” cofounder of Native Sons Tatiana Atkins said of the ordinance, according to CWB Chicago. “Our goal is to approach our city’s gun violence problem strategically and not all at once. Things didn’t become this way overnight, and change won’t happen overnight.

The idea is to reduce risk for people “not involved in high risk activities,” especially children.

Atkins hopes parents “may become more proactive” with children if they know when gang shootings are likely to occur….

Read more.


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