Dear Comrades: A tale of the Soviet past & American present thumbnail

Dear Comrades: A tale of the Soviet past & American present

By Oleg Atbashian

Dear Comrades!

If you think the events of the January 6th “insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol – where angry protesters entered a government building and were shot at, with the FBI later identifying and arresting the participants – if you think such events will never be faithfully described in an award-winning movie, you are mistaken.

Such a fact-based movie had been made and released to critical acclaim last year, before the above events even occurred. It is titled “Dear Comrades!” and I watched it last night online. And so can you – on Hulu or any other streaming services. Unfortunately, you’ll have to watch it in Russian with English subtitles – because all the films that are being made in English by the left-leaning American studios have long ago stopped being consequential, realistic, meaningful, moving, or unforgettable.

Alright, I admit that any similarities between this film and what happened at the U.S. Capitol are purely coincidental.

It was the KGB, not the FBI that arrested people based on the photos of the crowd. It was the caring Communist officials, not the caring Democrat officials, who were scrambling to escape through the back door. It was the Soviet Politburo members, not the members of the U.S. Congress who summoned thousands of armed troops to protect them from the people. It was the KGB snipers, not Nancy Pelosi’s bodyguards who were shooting at the crowd. It was the local Soviet authorities, not the Washington Mayor that declared a draconian curfew. And it was the Soviet and not the American media that embargoed all the truth about the events.

After all, “Dear Comrades!” is about the Soviet state’s response to a spontaneous strike of factory workers in a Russian city in 1962. The people were shot at, the survivors were arrested by the KGB, and the rest of the city inhabitants had to sign non-disclosure papers stating that none of the above had ever happened. The blood-stained square was promptly covered with new asphalt and in the evening the authorities organized a massive celebration with happy music and dancing on top of the freshly disguised blood puddles. This has never happened in America, of course. Not yet.

The main character, a female Party apparatchik Lydmila, has her doubts in private, but publicly she believes that the repressions and atrocities must continue, because otherwise it would mean that all the previous repressions and atrocities had been in vain, and such a thing would be too terrible to imagine. As a result, like many other Communists, she has a tortured, disfigured mind, trapped within the narrow dogmatic constraints like a fly between two window panes. Her hypocritical faith in the system is tested when her own freethinking daughter goes missing.

Any similarity between this character and today’s virtue-signaling enforcers of the cancel culture who live in constant fear of being canceled themselves, is also purely coincidental.

Please watch “Dear Comrades!” and tell us about any other purely coincidental similarities you may discover.

EDITORS NOTE: This column by Red Square from The Peoples Cube is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.