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Downtrodden in The Netherlands

By Matthys van Raalten

In my country, The Kingdom of The Netherlands, there are tens of thousands of people that live on the street. These downtrodden fellow countrymen of mine try to find sleeping places in gardens, in cars, in shelters for the homeless. If they are lucky, they may be permitted to sleep once in a while in the attick of a real home of family or friends.

Holland is one of the richest countries in the world. The problem of the downtrodden could technically easily be solved. There are enough empty homes. But the Dutch government want to give all empty homes to Islamic asylum seekers from the Third World.

In short: our own people in need, come last.

A very good friend of mine is one of these downtrodden. His name is Imro Parami. He immigrated in his youth from Surinam to The Netherlands. He has been discriminated against because he is a black man. Because he couldn’t find work, out of desperation, he became a drug addict. In the year 2018 I met him in a park, where he was using crack, a deadly drug. I convinced him to stop using that drug, and we became friends. He had no home, but stayed over in a shelter for problematic people. I taught him Judo, so he could defend himself in the dangerous world that he was in.

Mr. Parami doesn’t use drugs now for a long period of time. He is a devout Christian. But the Dutch government doesn’t like him: he is outspoken and a real man. He doesn’t fit in modern feminine society. Thus, he gets in trouble with the authorities continuously. He is put in jail, he has to do unpaid labor, he is checked upon et cetera. And the worst thing is: he doesn’t own keys to his own home, but lives in a small room in a shelter, with many unpleasant characters around him.

I do not write this article to improve the life of Mr. Parami alone. I want all downtrodden fellow countrymen of mine to be treated with decency by the Dutch government!

And now over to your country, the USA. You people have to be very careful to avoid that you also get a very large government. A large government isn’t there to serve the common people. It is there solely to serve the higher-ups of the government itself.

That’s all. Now I have to do activism in The Netherlands in the Dutch language again. That means that you Americans have to fight for your own situation. To improve the lives of the American downtrodden. The government cannot be the solution. The large government is the reason there are homeless drug addicts everywhere in America these days.

I wish you all Godspeed, if you join ranks with people that care. In the past, the Hells Angels did marvelous work for the downtrodden. Where are they now?

©2024. Matthys van Raalten. All rights reserved.

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