Elementary School Ditches Veteran’s Day for UN-Sponsored ‘Namaste’ Day thumbnail

Elementary School Ditches Veteran’s Day for UN-Sponsored ‘Namaste’ Day

By The Geller Report

And you wonder why the younger generations are so malformed and ignorant?

These heroes fought and in many cases paid the ultimate price for these spoiled, entitled losers to crap all over them.

The UN should not be honored, it should be dismantled, it is the global arm of oppressive regimes worldwide.

Elementary school replaces Veterans Day celebration with United Nations ‘Peace Assembly’ to recognize ‘tolerance’

By: Andrew Chapados, The Blaze, November 10, 2023

An elementary school in Redmond, Washington, canceled its annual Veterans Day celebrations in favor of recognizing a United Nations-sponsored International Day of Tolerance.

Benjamin Rush Elementary in the Lake Washington School District typically holds a Veterans Day assembly for its students, featuring the school choir singing “It’s a Grand Old Flag,” “This Land Is Your Land,” and the national anthem, according to 770 KTTH.

Instead, the school’s choir will sing songs relating to the theme of “Tolerance, Acceptance and Kindness,” with titles such as “Live in Peace,” “Namaste,” and “Amani Utupe.” The latter was composed by Patsy Ford Simms and was written in English and Swahili with the alleged meaning of “grant us peace, give us courage.”

Keep reading.


Pamela Geller

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