FLORIDA: Report from Polk County Legislative Delegation Meeting on October 26th, 2021 thumbnail

FLORIDA: Report from Polk County Legislative Delegation Meeting on October 26th, 2021

By Royal A. Brown III

I want to thank all the Patriots from Winter Haven 912 who were present at the Polk County, FL Legislative Delegation Meeting on October 26th, 2021 which started at 1:30 p.m. including those who spoke besides me e.g. Glynnda, Maureen M, David C, George B, Nancy W, Fred, D and Kay M and those who came to support us e.g. Boyd R, Del L, Mitchell B., Rocky & Dietz A, Danny & Dy K, Lisa C, Alice K, Pixie. R, Lee A, Bobby , Lorraine J, Denise & Harry K, and one other Gentleman whose name I don’t know for total of 21 WH 912ers, by far the largest group present. If I missed anyone please let me know.

Other constitutional conservatives whom I know and were present were Rebecca Ricks and Amber Lang from Mom’s for America & Medical Freedom who both spoke and several ladies wearing CCDF hats.

The Polk County Legislative Delegation consists of Senators Albritton, Burgess and Stargel and Representatives Bell, Burton, Hawkins, Killebrew, and Tomkow whose districts represent portions of Polk County.

All of our speakers received applause despite being admonished for doing so every time – little bit of proper civil disobedience going on there. Chair Rep. Burton claimed applause takes up too much time which is just not true since the applause occurred during the short period between the last speaker departing and the next speaker coming up to talk. I really don’t understand this protocol which is also present at other public meetings like the Board of County Commissioners and School Board. At least we weren’t repeatedly threatened to be escorted out by Sheriff’s Deputy like the County Manager and Rick Wilson do at BOCC meetings.

On a positive note and with thanks to the Delegation, the meeting was well planned, advertised and conducted including holding all speakers to the 3 min limit, which was not always practiced in past. The Delegation were respectful and seemed attentive to public speakers although few questions were asked except to local government and college officials who made reports, mostly dealing with funding.

County Commissioner George Lindsey was present which was good because he got to listen to several of us mention his, Commissioner Wilson and Santiago’s refusal to sign the letter by Commissioner Neil Combee to Governor DeSantis asking to remove road blocks to access of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to prevent and treat COVID. They refused despite the overwhelming testimonies and presence of supporters of the letter at the meeting where Lindsey brought in two CDC Protocol supporting doctors to counter our support including PC Health Dept Director Dr. Joy Jackson who condescendingly stated we were “like the wild west of anything you can get your hands on and take it.”

The topics covered by our WH 912 speakers covered a broad range but often reinforced each other and included:

  • Relief from Medical Tyranny by facilitating access to inexpensive, FDA approved Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine along with Gov. DeSantis’s push for monoclonal antibody outpatient infusion.
  • Demand for 100% forensic audit of 2020 election in FL – we know there was election fraud and the closeness of the margins for Gov DeSantis and POTUS Trump emphasizes this; current PC Supervisor of Elections stated to Ledger there was no voter fraud in 2018 as alleged by Candidate DeSantis and in 2020 by many.
  • The experience of a Poll Watcher revealed outrageous voter fraud at the poll she observed.
  • Unconstitutional FL Red Flag Law, the Risk Protection Order codified within the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Public Safety Act, SB 7026 must be eliminated or changed to provide Due Process for law abiding gun owners – over 6,000 have been issued FL-wide with 1,000 of these in PC. Also that the 2A Rights of 18-20 year olds to own/possess long guns need to be restored.
  • Legislators were asked to co-sponsor/support/file companion bill of a list of good bills and to oppose a list of bad bills.
  • Constitutions (both US & FL) should always be consulted and used whenever Legislators are making decisions on political actions like bills and laws – We are a Constitutional Republic rooted in God’s laws not man’s laws and are not a Democracy which is rule by mob. Our Constitution limits the power of the Federal Govt. and our Bill of Rights confirm the Rule of God’s Laws and guaranty they will not be broken by government. Unfortunately our Rights are being usurped by the Fed Govt meaning states must fight back with the 10th Amendment and nullify unconstitutional federal edicts/rulings.
  • Abortions must be stopped and the Heartbeat Bill passed by our Legislature.
  • A Legislator’s Bill of Rights is needed to stop the biased, undue influence of House and Senate Leadership including punishment for Legislator’s who speak their own minds, submit bills wanted by their constituents, etc. which may not fit leaderships desired mold. Removing Republican Legislators from Committees or keeping them off committees, moving them to “time out” rooms in basement; supporting other Republican candidates in primaries for sole purpose of defeating those who don’t tow the line is unfair and unethical.

    Note: Some of us also provided the Delegation with copies of documents providing more details to back up our presentations.

Observations on other speakers:

  • 8 speakers represented groups asking for funds – 2 such groups were artist/art groups looking for money to pay for programs and to pay artists – guess they don’t get enough form Pelosi’s over funded endowments for Arts and Humanities.
  • 3 speakers in row advocated to repeal the current law banning transgenders from athletic competitions & for transgender rights (pure identity politics).
  • A Useful Idiot leftist speaker from PC Democratic Environmental Caucus of FL told us, among other falsehoods, that if we don’t do something about climate change soon, all our FL beaches will be destroyed as Iceland melts; we should go to 60% solar power and should support the Paris accords (meaning US shells out trillions $ to pay for the pollution of others) with no mention about the major polluters of the world e.g. Communist China, India and Indonesia.
  • 3 speakers spoke out against what they called the “FL Kill Bill”. 2 of the impassioned speakers had lost relatives (father, brother) to medical malpractice without recourse because their loved ones were widow/widowers and/or, had no children under 25 etc. The other was a nurse who had dealt with such patients. Support was asked for SB 262 (Damages Recoverable by Parents of an Adult Child in Medical Negligence Actions; Deleting a provision prohibiting parents of an adult child from recovering damages for mental pain and suffering in a medical negligence suit, etc.) and SB 560 (Recovery for wrongful Death; Deleting a prohibition on adult children of certain decedents recovering specified damages, etc.).
  • 1 angry and loud speaker complained about 80% of homeowners in Poinciana who didn’t want Spectrum services having to pay for services anyway making the cost to the 20% who did want it lower and that this extra expense for those on social security could “put them out on the street.”
  • Another speaker preceded her talk by asking if there were any limits to the scope of presentations and being told no, spoke out against Lakeland Electric’s meter. She claimed the frequency emitted by the meter caused her medical problems and changes in appearance and was asking for a different kind of meter which she claimed they had refused to provide.

If you can attend the session of the PC FL Legislative Delegation’s Annual meeting in 2022 (usually held from 1:30 – 6 pm),I highly recommend you consider doing so. Even better if you sign up to speak and express your view (s) on issues in the 3 mins you’re allotted and you can also provide backup documentation.

Thank you.


Royal A. Brown III

President, Winter Haven 912


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