Kamala Joined By Yet Another Laughing Hyena! Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm! thumbnail

Kamala Joined By Yet Another Laughing Hyena! Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm!

By Save America Foundation

Joe Biden, you know him, the mentally challenged usurper residing illegally in the People’s House, now officially has two laughing, giggling hyenas in his administration! ( Don’t mean to insult hyenas! ).

You all met Kamala Harris with her brainless laugh when asked about the outrageous border problem.

Now we have Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm who laughed out loud like an ignorant ignoramus when asked about increasing America’s oil output. She called the question “hilarious.” Hilarious? That Americans are all paying the massive financial penalty for this administrations energy agenda. Everything from groceries to building materials, gas and oil for home heating. Everything has and is rising extremely quickly. Hyper inflation is now a real possibility.

Bloomberg host Tom Keene made mention of America’s rapidly rising gas prices and asked the energy secretary, “What is the Granholm plan to increase oil production in America?” Great question and it needed a real answer. Not that anyone in this administration is capable of giving a real answer let alone a truthful one. As it is said. If their mouths are moving they are lying!!

After she heard the question this was Granholms response. She immediately began laughing. “That is hilarious, would that I had the magic wand on this.”

HUH??? Magic wand?? She has absolutely no idea on the oil market. None. She is just another ignoramus being overpaid and sucking on the teat of the tax payer – that’s you and me.

She went on further with some more equally out of touch and realty statements as follows:- “As you know, of course, oil is a global market. It is controlled by a cartel. That cartel is called OPEC, and they made a decision yesterday that they were not going to increase beyond what they were already planning.”

American oil output is not a part of any cartel. We were a net exporter under President Trump. That meant we supplied or were able to supply 100% of America’s oil needs PLUS produce a surplus for export. Gas at the pumps was below $2.00 a gallon. 10 months under Biden and gas ranges from $3.30 to $7.40 a gallon depending on your location and heading further north!!

You see this illegal dictatorial leadership in DC has overhauled a very efficient oil energy industry. The latest move in June being the suspension of oil drilling leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. He has paused new oil leases. He has rejoined the Paris climate agreement. Eliminated subsidies for the fossil fuel industry. Revoked permits for the Keystone XL Pipeline. Plus at huge taxpayer cost is replacing the federal government fleet with electric cars! (all charged with electric made from fossil fuel!)

He has gone to OPEC on his frail little knees begging the OPEC Cartel to increase oil production. Twice they have said no!! They are keeping the supply tight and therefore prices will continue their increases. We now buy over 35% of our fuel from our enemies, Russia included, enriching them and allowing them to increase massive spending on their military as Biden works on dismantling ours.

America has more than sufficient domestic supply and reserves to increase output which would reduce gasoline prices. We have enough untapped oil reserves to supply this countries needs for centuries without any further exploration and location of oil reserves.

Encouraging our enemies to produce our oil needs is also contrary to this administration’s green energy plans. Oil production in these OPEC countries and Russia are certainly not produced anywhere near as cleanly or green as our oil companies do.

China, Russia and OPEC win. America loses. Seems that pretty much sums up this New Socialist Democrat Party agenda up.

This Libtard nutcase has a long history of liberalism which I have regularly made the case of being a mental illness. Incurable usually. (Well – legally anyways!)

She was a two term leftist governor of the socialist state of Michigan. She was also the attorney general there. She then joined joined the faculty of the University of California, Berkeley as a Distinguished Professor of Practice in the Goldman School of Public Policy. A liberal think tank. Secretary Granholm, an immigrant from Canada, is an honors graduate of both the University of California, Berkeley and Harvard Law School. Great pedigree for a liberal Democrat and a true enemy of the state.

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