Left-Wing ‘Green’ Energy Proves Useless thumbnail

Left-Wing ‘Green’ Energy Proves Useless

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

Europe’s attempted transition to so-called “Green” energy has been a massive fail.

Wind and solar have proven too inefficient and unreliable to meet the continent’s needs, leaving it dependent on fossil fuels from, of all places, Russia.

Now, with Russian supplies partially cut off, Europe faces what French President Macron called, “the end of abundance.”

The folks handling President Biden’s energy policy have learned nothing.  They remain fully determined to force America into the same energy mistakes Europe made.

Meanwhile, autocracies such as China and Russia, and emerging economies such as India, are basing their energy economies on the efficiency of fossil fuels and nuclear.  China’s greenhouse gas emissions now exceed those of the entire rest of the developed world, COMBINED!

CFACT’s team of energy scholars have done their usual thorough and compelling job of exposing the Left’s energy incompetence in a series of fact-filled articles at CFACT.org.

David Wojick delved deep into the inherent flaws in the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” (IRA), saying: “The Democrats writing the IRA decided that since tax credit subsidies do a good job of promoting renewables and electric vehicles, they should do more. They should promote things like union wages, mining and manufacturing, which have nothing to do with climate.

“Think of it as social engineering squared. In the vernacular this is called ‘mission creep.’ A program designed to do one thing tries to do something very different, often unsuccessfully.”

Bonner Cohen, meanwhile, exposed the roadblocks popping up in local communities for Biden’s “incredible transition” to renewables. Cohen writes: “President Biden’s ‘incredible transition’ to what he assures us will be a clean-energy future is not going down well with residents and public officials in south-central Idaho, who are up in arms over a proposed wind power project that will have as many as 400 giant turbines marring the picturesque countryside.

“Commissioners in Lincoln and Minidoka counties on August 15th independently adopted resolutions opposing the project that would go up on 73,000 acres of federal land under the jurisdiction of the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM).”

The free world’s energy economy is too important to subjugate it to Left-wing groupthink.

For nature and people too.


Craig Rucker

President and C0-Founder of the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.