MARTIN TEA PARTY: President Trump—Beware of Sheep in Wolves Clothing thumbnail

MARTIN TEA PARTY: President Trump—Beware of Sheep in Wolves Clothing

By Royal A. Brown III

Excellent information from Martin County Tea Party — our great Governor Ron DeSantis needs to drop his Primary campaign for POTUS and come back to being our Governor and stop making stupid/misleading statements like this one.

Asked by an NBC News reporter during a campaign stop in Iowa whether the 2020 election was “stolen,” DeSantis said the fraud theories “did not prove to be true.” He did not, however, mention the name of his top rival for the GOP nomination, who was just indicted for allegedly working to overturn the last presidential election. “I’ve said many times the election is what it is.” DeSantis continuing stated, “All those theories that were put out did not prove to be true. But what I’ve also said is the way you conduct a good election that people have confidence in, you don’t change the rules in the middle of the game.”

Watch this:


President Trump’s campaign just released a new campaign TV ad!

It’s called “Fraud Squad”. #FraudSquad #DonaldTrumpDidNothingWrong #Trump2024

— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) August 4, 2023


Patriots we are the FIGHT for our Country! President Trump needs our support please donate some dollars if you can. Commie Biden is raising more money then ever for the Global Elite Special Interest hate and fear MAGA. They are sociopaths who want to destroy America it is good-versus-evil.

Keep praying to the Lord like you have never Prayed before!

Franklin Graham “I would like to ask Christians across this country to pray specifically for former President Donald J. Trump, that God’s hand would be upon him, protect him, and direct him in every step he takes—and that God’s will be done. We need to work together to strengthen this nation—not divide and destroy it.

PATRIOTS do you think we will to get rid the voting machines? This is what your Governor had to say?

“Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday offered his strongest dismissal of the election fraud theories at the heart of former President Donald Trump’s push to overturn the 2020 election.

Asked by a reporter during a campaign stop in Iowa whether the 2020 election was “stolen,” DeSantis said the fraud theories “did not prove to be true.” He did not, however, mention the name of his top rival for the GOP nomination, who was just indicted for allegedly working to overturn the last presidential election.

I’ve said many times the election is what it is,” DeSantis said. “All those theories that were put out did not prove to be true. But what I’ve also said is the way you conduct a good election that people have confidence in, you don’t change the rules in the middle of the game.”

DeSantis says election fraud theories promoted by Trump ‘did not prove to be true’.

PATRIOTS did you then know British TV & Radio station GBNEWS is owned by the Globalist Rino Murdock. America was a corporation? WATCH
Stephen Dixon clashes on Trump claims of rigged election. U.S. Political analyst, Jan Halper-Hayes.


This is not a coincidence. This has always been the plan.

— Dr. Rich Swier (@drrichswier) August 6, 2023

PATRIOTS beware of another RINO Virginia Governor Youngkin former CEO of the Carlyle Group!

“The New York Post reported a Donor said Youngkin is an ideal candidate for Republicans ready to move on from Trump, because he’s neither full MAGA nor anti-Trump, so could potentially grab voters from both camps.”

REUTERS “DeSantis’ biggest donor says he won’t give more money unless changes are made

Story by By Alexandra Ulmer •

Hotel entrepreneur Robert Bigelow, the biggest individual donor to a group supporting Ron DeSantis’ presidential bid, told Reuters on Friday he will not donate more money unless the Florida governor attracts new major donors and adopts a more moderate approach.”


Tucker Carlson owns the Daily Caller and on his 2nd Twitter podcast he said Obama had “a highly creepy social life” questioning is he GAY.

Ep. 2 Cling to your taboos!

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June 8, 2023

Jason Whitlock is still asking “is Michele Michael” Steve Bannon asked at the Turning Point will Michele Run?

The audience responded by shouting Michael! Obamas brother on TWITTER keeps asking putting out the birth certificate on Twitter and asking Michele are you Michael?

President Trump during the Obama years questioned about the birth certificate. Many other reporters are finally writing about the Real Obama so we wonder is all TRUE?

READ: Obama Once Wrote To Ex-Girlfriend That He ‘Repeatedly Fantasizes About Making Love To Men,’ Biographer Says

©2023. Martin County Tea Party. All rights reserved.


.@MarcoPolo501c3 “We reached out to every single pimp, hooker, drug dealer, and business partner on Hunter Biden’s laptop…

We put all of his emails and photos online… You have FARA violations, money laundering, sex trafficking, and conspiracy to commit bribery…

Not one…

— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) August 5, 2023

Obama couldn’t believe they wouldn’t stop chanting “FUCK JOE BIDEN” …LMFAO!!!…

— TeamMagaKim (@teammagakim) August 5, 2023