McAuliffe in 2019: Teaching Diversity ‘Just as Important’ as Math, English thumbnail

McAuliffe in 2019: Teaching Diversity ‘Just as Important’ as Math, English

By Discover The Networks

Amid a gubernatorial race in Virginia centered on the conflict between outraged parents and far-left school boards that promote the racist tenets of Critical Race Theory (CRT), comments from big-government candidate and former governor Terry McAuliffe are resurfacing that are adding fuel to the fire.

Appearing as a guest on C-SPAN’s Book TV in 2019 to promote his race-mongering book Beyond Charlottesville: Taking a Stand Against White Nationalism, McAuliffe stated, “We’ve got to go back – K to 6. Early on, we’ve got to start teaching, talking about these issues much earlier than we’ve done it before. And we don’t do a good job in our education system talking about diversity, inclusion, openness and so forth. We don’t. We got our textbooks, but, you know, that has to be a big part of how do you fit into the social work of our nation and our fabric. How we deal with one another is to me as important as, you know, your math class or your English class and so forth.”

This is the same candidate who falsely claims CRT is a conspiracy theory of the right and literally does not exist. This is the same tone-deaf candidate who declared in a debate in September, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

His Republican opponent Glenn Youngkin, by contrast, asserted, “I believe parents should be in charge of their kids’ education.”

McAuliffe and his Democrat comrades have intentionally done everything in their power to destroy education in this country. They don’t want an educated electorate — they want social justice activists. That’s why, in McAuliffe’s fanatical mind, obsessing over “diversity” is a more important aim for schools than teaching math or English.

Terry McAuliffe

23 Known Connections

In December 2018, McAuliffe blamed President Trump for the partial government shutdown which was in effect at that time. “The Democrats should not give an inch on this,” said McAuliffe. “Donald Trump owns this. He has been in the White House. He has been isolated. He is too emotional. He is too unstable. And he has now forced people to go through the holidays without a paycheck…. Donald Trump, because of his tricks and Republican radio hosts pushing him, challenging his manhood, he has caused so many problems for so many people in this country. He is an angry, emotional, unstable man sitting in the White House.”

McAuliffe expanded upon these remarks in a January 2019 appearance on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, when he portrayed President Trump as “an emotional, moody mess.” “He is a compulsive liar, throwing temper tantrums every day,” said McAuliffe. “He has emotional mood swings constantly. That’s why we’re in the mess with the shutdown that we are in today. I think with that going on with the White House. He [Trump] says we have a crisis on the border? We have a crisis in the White House, and it’s named Donald Trump.”

To learn more about Terry McAuliffe, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.