MOTHERLESS EGGS: Erasing Women From Procreation One Manufactured Egg At A Time thumbnail

MOTHERLESS EGGS: Erasing Women From Procreation One Manufactured Egg At A Time

By The Geller Report

Reprograming adult male stem cells to become usable eggs. Gay men who want taxpayers to fund the creation of motherless children. It’s a war on G-d.

Dystopian nightmare.

The Global Fertility Industry Seeks To Erase Women From Procreation One Manufactured Egg At A Time

As scientists ramp up their fantasies about fabricated female gametes, concerns about technology outpacing our humanity should be high.

The Economist ran a series of articles in “Technology Quarterly” this month advocating for the expansion of assisted reproductive technology to in vitro gametogenesis (IVG), an experimental procedure that involves reprograming adult male stem cells to become usable eggs.

At least one of the stories acknowledges that outsourcing reproduction through existing technology like in vitro fertilization is “failing most women.” Already, countries, states, and healthcare facilities are grappling with how to handle ethical, moral, and legal crises like commercial surrogates with cancer and gay men who want taxpayers to fund the creation of motherless children.

As biotechnologists ramp up their fantasies about facilities filled with artificial wombs, dehumanizing “gene editing,” and now, fabricated female gametes, concerns about technology outpacing our humanity should be high.

The solution the British publication repeatedly prescribes to its readers, however — speeding up technical advancements to meet the rapidly growing desire of infertile or sexually incompatible adults to have children — falls prey to one of the biggest scams sold by the multi-billion dollar babymaking business.

The idea that humans can somehow circumvent their natural reproductive limits because of their desire to have children whenever they want is dangerous — it has led to the painsuffering, and death of women and unborn babies.

Yet, scientists have proved over and over and over that they will continue to pursue unethical means to justify such ends.

Read more.


Pamela Geller


Tiktoker has breakdown over doctor asking what sex she is. This is what gender ideology does to a person.

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) July 24, 2023

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.