Pelosi on Voters’ Concerns About Inflation, Crime: ‘I Dismiss That’ thumbnail

Pelosi on Voters’ Concerns About Inflation, Crime: ‘I Dismiss That’

By Discover The Networks

Tuesday on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) completely rejected a poll showing that Americans’ top concerns going into the November midterm elections are inflation and crime.

Host propagandist Andrea Mitchell began, “Let’s talk about rising inflation concerns along with crime, giving momentum, new momentum to Republicans after the Democrats were closing the gap, the historic gap. After the Supreme Court ruling, there was huge outrage. That has seemed to subside, at least among overriding concerns. Despite all the legislative accomplishments, and I want to cite them, I want to say it’s been an extraordinary session. You and the president have done so much in terms of domestic concerns, the economy. So why do you think the president hasn’t gotten it through to the voters?”

Pelosi replied, “Well, first of all, let me say that I think that much of what you’ve said I don’t agree with, that is to say, the New York Times poll, I think is an outlier poll, you cite one poll, but all the other polls —”

Mitchell interjected, “It’s also the RealClearPolitics average is showing similar issues.”

Pelosi said, “No, but that was one that brought down the average, and it was an outlier. It wasn’t even that big a sample. So I dismiss that. I have been since Congress adjourned, I’ve been in an average of five states a week. And I can tell you that women’s concerns about their freedom are very, very much still very significant in terms of how they will vote.”

It’s just like a Democrat to tell the voters what their concerns are.

Nancy Pelosi

141 Known Connections

Video of Pelosi Saying on January 6, 2021, That She Would Like to Physically “Punch … Out” President Trump & Go to Jail As a Consequence

On October 13, 2022, CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 aired never-before-seen video footage that had been filmed by Nancy Pelosi’s daughter Alexandra during the breach of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. in that footage, the House Speaker stated that if President Trump were to come to the Capitol that day, she would physically assault him and would be glad to serve time in jail as a consequence. (During his speech earlier that day at the Ellipse, Trump had told a large crowd of his supporters: “And after this, we’re going walk down, and I’ll be there with you. We’re going walk down to the Capitol.”) A staff member told Pelosi, “The Secret Service said they have dissuaded him from coming to Capitol Hill. They told him they don’t have the resources to protect him here. So at the moment, he is not coming, but that could change.” An enraged Pelosi responded: “I hope he comes. I want to punch him out…. I’ve been waiting for this, for trespassing on the Capitol grounds. I want to punch him out, and I’m going to go to jail, and I’m going to be happy.” Pelosi also stated: “Tell him [Trump] if he comes here, we’re going to the White House.”

To learn more about Nancy Pelosi, click here.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.