Philadelphia — The City of Perverts.

“The only thing more dangerous than ignorance is arrogance” – Albert Einstein

Philadelphia, a city with famous landmarks like the Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell and town hall, passed a law called the “indecent exposure law” which is hard to interpret unless you are a sicko pervert who wants to get together with other sicko perverts and ride bikes, skateboards, rollerblades etc. naked.

Yes, in front of kids and all others. Buck naked apart from – wait for it – masks to protect them from you know what! Yep. The Chinese virus.

On August 28th, thousands of these perverts will be riding a ten mile loop around the city, weaving through the above mentioned famous landmarks.

Publicists for this sick event are extolling it’s virtues! Yes, like mingling with the crowds, making new friends ( I bet ) and checking out people’s creativity and body paints!

Wesley Noonan-Sessa, the lead facilitator for this Godless and shameless event, made the following statement to NPR. “I hope people feel like they’re a part of something larger, that they’re a part of larger community. And that demonstrates just how many people are out on the streets riding bikes.”

This event is supposed to encourage the use of bicycles as opposed to fossil fuel gulping motor vehicles!! It is also supposed to give the 2500 to 3000 participants a feeling of positive self image!!


By the way, the carrying of some clothing and a hat are encouraged for those that may need a potty break!! Hat? To use the toilet?

America. The above is not right. It is a further sign of the degradation that this country is undergoing. The sick loss of morals. The thinking that it is ok to appear in mass in front of citizens and their kids.

I am sure to many of the sick pervs participating in this so called event, the heightened sexuality will please them. The mingling and greetings, the new ‘friends’ they will make as the day progresses will please them.

The day of reckoning is nigh America. It’s getting closer day by day. The country is doing everything it can to upset normal God believing Christians. There are so many degenerative organizations like NAMBLA, the LGBTQUI groups, the Anarchist organizations, mass movement towards the Godless world of Socialism which will lead to Communism.

Good, clean, moral, Christian American patriots will one day soon rise against the mental sickness that has invaded our population. They will not stand for it.

I pray that day is soon. For America’s sake. Do not be one of those fiddling while our country self destructs. Stand up. Be strong. Stand up for your beliefs. Do not be afraid. State your beliefs. Act on them.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.