PODCAST: The Drive-By Impeachment!



Cheryl Chumley is online opinion editor for The Washington Times, the author of “The Devil in DC: Winning Back the Country From the Beast in Washington” and of “Police State USA: How Orwell’s Nightmare is Becoming Our Reality,” and a 2008-2009 Robert Novak journalism fellow with The Fund for American Studies. She is also a licensed private investigator and principal of Chumley Investigations.

HER NEWEST BOOK IS “SOCIALISTS DON’T SLEEP: TOPIC: Joe Biden — whoosh! Keystone is killed and socialism surges!


Bob Reccord founded Total Life Impact Ministries, Inc. and serves as Founder/Chairman. Bob’s previous roles include nine years as the founding president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC) North American Mission Board, overseeing 5000+ missionaries, one of the top three disaster relief entities in the country and a radio/TV network. Bob hosted a national radio show called Strength for Living. Dr. Reccord has authored nine books which include Beneath the Surface, Forged by Fire, Made to Count and his latest A Heart For Adventure (available in E-Book).

TOPIC: ‘Ending The Cycle of Father Wounds’


George Parry is a Contributor to The American Spectator, The Federalist, and the Philadelphia Inquirer. George is a former federal and state prosecutor. George served as: Special Attorney for the Organized Crime and Racketeering Section, U.S. Department of Justice ; Unit Chief, Investigations Division, Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office ; Special Organized Crime Prosecutor, Blair and Cambria counties (central Pennsylvania) ; and a Legal Analyst for KYW-TV in Philadelphia.

TOPIC: The Drive-By Impeachment!

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