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Political Science

By Matthys van Raalten

As you probably know by now, I have studied political sciences at the university. This is a difficult study. The reason is not that one has to read a lot of books, but that politics and Death are intrinsically linked.

A person that studies political sciences, studies the origins of wars.

Wars normally are the result of the lust for power by a dictator. Democracies don’t start wars.

People who have a lust for power and control over other people are small dictators. These people should not be allowed to climb the stairs of society.

Marxist intellectuals are the most dangerous people on the planet. Why? Because they help potential dictators rise.

Harari is an Israeli intellectual. He promotes atheism. This is also very dangerous. Atheism also leads to wars.

If you want to become a political leader, you have to read the book “Oriental Despotism: A Comparative Study of Total Power” by Professor Karl A. Wittfogel. This book is the best source of information on Marxism.

If you do not understand how dangerous Marxists are, then they can play you.


Most politicians on the political Right, think that they understand “Socialism”, but they have no clue about how far Socialism has already overtaken the West.

My advise is to all reading here: Ask the politician that you support if he or she has read the book “Oriental Despotism: A Comparative Study of Total Power” by Professor Karl A. Wittfogel.

If not, then give up on him or her. For this person is not serious.

NOTE: Don’t buy the book by Professor Wittfogel, if you are not an academic, for in that case this book would be too difficult for you.

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