Post Christmas thoughts! thumbnail

Post Christmas thoughts!

By Save America Foundation

Well, another Christmas Day gone. 2021 is drawing to an end – thankfully and 2022 is rapidly drawing near and with it a more than likely rout of Democrats from public office.

2022 will be make or break for our beloved Constitutional Republic. It will either go into remission with the hope that in 2024 it will begin healing or it will sink further and further into the realm of a socialist and then soon to follow communist nation. The only two results of the latter is a breakup of the Union or Civil War. Either will be good for me if we cannot do what needs to be done through the legal electoral process.

Our country has been severely bloodied in the past year by the largest set of traitors and enemies within that even our Founding Fathers couldn’t have thought of or imagined. It has been bloodied on the international stage as well as domestically. The world is laughing at us, at how weak and pitiful we have become, not only politically but our Citizenry. Our rush to “Wokeness” in all aspects of our lives including our military will enable and embolden our enemies. They have seen how we buckled under very quickly to mandates and media pressures. How it seemed OK to allow our rights and freedoms to be taken from us by extremists and leftist dictatorial so called leadership. How we allowed irrational fear to ensure obedience. How we allowed propaganda so sophisticated to permeate our minds and hearts.

I pray daily that a new type of Wokeness awakens our country. A Wokeness of a realization that we came very close, perilously close, to losing everything that all previous generations fought for. That our country, once the shining light on the hill, would sink into oblivion and become another member of a One World Government, under a universal umbrella of liberal theology and laws, no border, no national identity, no sovereignty and no pride. A land where the government would take control of our lives, businesses, churches, media, freedom, liberty, movement, thoughts, homes and everything else. Universal pay would be decided. States rights removed. The Constitution rewritten or abolished.

America. We have a lot of work to do. We must be brave. We must be tireless. We must do whatever needs to be done to save our country from a fate far too awful to contemplate. We must ensure that the enemy within are held accountable for all true evil misdeeds. All of them!! The brazen acts of treason and their total disgraceful breaking of their Oaths, need a day of reckoning. I am talking from the perverted criminal usurper in the White House on down.

Their removal from office needs to be just the beginning. Prison time and yes – execution for the blatant treason they have committed and continue to pursue. Nothing less will heal this country. We need to see justice done. Real justice. I want to see this in all the corrupt alphabet agencies like the ATF, FBI, CIA, OSHA, CDC, DOJ, Capitol Police etc.

It will all start in 2022 at the mid terms. Then it needs to grow into a movement that grows like a snow ball rolling down hill, getting bigger and traveling faster and faster until it is like a locomotive that cannot be stopped.


©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.


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