South African & Rhodesian Racism – The Truth. thumbnail

South African & Rhodesian Racism – The Truth.

By Save America Foundation

Todays blog is in two parts. Please read all. Feel free to comment.

Today is Veterans Day and I thank every service man and woman personally, past, present and future but also it is the anniversary of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence, otherwise called UDI, of Rhodesia, the land of my birth. November 11, 1965. So many lies were told about my country and the neighboring one, South Africa. The following I have copied from a Rhodesian site. I just wanted to add it here. The Ian referred to at the end relates to Ian Douglas Smith, our upright ,patriot, anti communist and awesome Prime Minister. The Rhodes was Cecil John Rhodes who the country was named after. I believe the sentiment could relate to many Americans and our veterans.

Happy 56 years UDI.

is for the regiments who fight the winning fight

H is for the home fires that the folks are keeping bright

O is for the other ranks and officers as well

is for the diehards who will even fight in hell

is for the enemy that just won’t ever win

is for the spirit of our men that won’t grow dim

is for the independents that we have to share

is for the firearm’s that we will always have to bear. And the first word in Rhodesian is Rhodes

That’s a name that everybody knows

It maybe as Rhodesian as the flag of white and green

But the last word in Rhodesian is Ian.

Now for the real blog of today!

This country and its many treasonous politicians and senior military members have been involved for more than 70 years in attempting to bring down the United States of America and the civilized western world. One of the biggest tools in their toy box is the word “racism”. Another is homophobia. But racism is the word they run out every time they want to institute something they know is not in our best interest or that if our true allies. Take CRT for an example or wokism. If you disagree you are racist. If you elect a conservative like in Virginia, even with a black immigrant female is also elected as the Lt. Governor, you are racist. Hypocrisy is ignored.

The western world, led by the USA and the UN, spent billions to help the steady red Commie creep down Africa to the ultimate prize for the communists – South Africa. The most powerful and rich nation in Africa. The second prize for the Marxists was Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe. Another extremely well run, efficient and rich country. One where blacks from all the tribes were being bought steadily on to allow them a say in the future of the country, politically and in all ways. They were well educated, had great health care, a disposable income, Most loved the country. Most were happy under white rule knowing that we were working towards their full integration in all aspects of life. Our Rhodesian military, of which I was a member on active duty from 1973 – 1980, was comprised of approximately 70% black members who were extremely great soldiers fighting the red peril alongside their white brothers. My life was saved on at least two occasions by my fellow black military members of the greatest fighting force in that era. They understood that the alternative at the time to the white government was going to be Hell for them all and their families, a understanding that what they feared would be a reality. They fought as if their very existence relied on it, and it did. They did not expect the treasonous action of liberal western governments that would destroy them, their country and their families lives, just like the fiasco withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Now, thanks to the aforementioned evil leftist extremists from the US and UN world leaders, these same indigenous people of SA and Zimbabwe are now virtually unemployed, badly educated, have bad health care, a broken economy and infrastructure. Most can barely survive. However the leadership of both countries are extremely wealthy and worldly. As my wise father always said, “the only true communists are ones that can afford to be one!” China, Biden’s firm friend and secret funder of his crime family, is steadily raping Africa of all natural resources to keep its slave labor factories running 24/7.

Tribalism is racism. It is everywhere all over Africa and in different forms world wide. The caste system in India made apartheid seem like a walk in the park but India was one of the loudest detractors of apartheid era SA. Below is some reality for those that only had bad thoughts about South Africa. Read on and learn….

The Shocking Truth About Racism by Juju Mkize a Top Black Academic At the University Of Cape Town.


“South Africans are psychologically sick as a result of violence inflicted upon the majority of the country’s people during the apartheid era”,

This lie is getting really old!

The history of black South Africans has always been that of violence, death and destruction – NOT inflicted upon them by white people in this country.

Shaka Zulu, during his 10-year reign butchered more than 2 million black people in South Africa, not counting the deaths during mass tribal migrations to escape his armies. He had his warriors clubbed to death upon the merest sign of weakness.

He neither took a legal wife nor fathered a son, for fear that his heir would plot against him, and had his concubines executed if he discovered they were pregnant. When his mother died, he massacred thousands of his subjects so their families would mourn along with him.

Shaka retained his throne through the worst kind of sheer terror, vast mass executions, torture and mindless butchery. His brother, Dingane, was no better. He took power after the assassination of Shaka and started his reign by butchering those loyal to Shaka.

That, amongst many other horror stories of black-on-black violence, is the history of Black South Africa.

During the Apartheid years it was not better. Factional fighting and tribal conflict was again the main cause of violence and death amongst black South Africans. During the Apartheid era, from 1948 to 1994, the average life expectancy of black South Africans had risen to 64 years, on par with Europe’s average life expectancy. Infant death rates had by been reduced from 174 to 55 infant deaths per thousand, higher than Europe’s, but considerably lower than the rest of the African continent’s. The black African population in South Africa increased by 50%.

Deaths due to political violence during apartheid:- 21 000 people died in political violence in South Africa during apartheid of whom 14 000 died during the transition process from 1990 to 1994.

This includes SA Defence Force actions, for instance the 600 deaths at Kassinga in Angola during the war in 1978. Of those deaths, the vast majority, 92%, have been primarily due to Africans killing Africans, such as the inter-tribal battles for territory.

During the period June 1990 to July 1993 a total of 8580 (92%) of the 9 325 violent deaths during the period June 1990 to July 1993 were caused by Africans killing Africans, or as the news media often calls it, “Black on Black” violence – hostel killings, Inkatha Freedom Party versus ANC killings and taxi and turf war violence.

The security forces caused 518 deaths (5.6%) throughout this period. During the transitional period, the primary causes of deaths were not security forces nor white right-wing violence against blacks, but due to “black-on-black necklace ( *** see below) murders”, tribal conflict between the ANC-IFP, bombs by the ANC and PAC’s military wings in shopping centers, landmines on farm roads, etc.

In this country TODAY (under black rule) as many as 18 000 people are murdered EVERY year. …and those are the official statistics. More than 400 000 people have been murdered in South Africa under ANC rule.

The past 20 years have been the most violent in the history of this country since the death of Shaka Zulu…and NONE of it has anything to do with WHITE people or APARTHEID… but I guess if you repeat the lie often enough foreigners actually start believing the drivel coming from your mouth, Mr. Uneducated President !!!”

Unfortunately people from all over the world believe the lies you have spread and wrongly blame the Whites for Racism!!

*** Necklacing:- the great killing art developed predominately by Winnie Mandela and her evil thugs where they soaked old car tires in gasoline and pushed them over the shoulders of those not supporting her evil husband, terrorist Nelson Mandelas ANC Communist party. That tire would then be set on fire and the victim would run all over unable to put the fire out. His death was not fast but was painful and terrifying to watch. It instilled fear in those who had different political beliefs. I saw this in action and it is as clear in my mind today as then. Yes! Nelson Mandela and his wife Winnie should have both been executed.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.