Sovietization and Destruction of the American Constitutional Republic

When I turned on TV on August 3, 2021, there was a report by Joon Kim, special investigator, about the sexual abuses of Governor Cuomo. Listening to him made me stunned. While describing Cuomo’s behavior and culture in the New York Governor’s office, the man was unfolding the official culture of Stalinist Soviet Socialism in Russia—the two were paralleled. I have lived under this toxic environment half of my life. I recognized it as soon as my English armed me with the political culture in America and started writing and warning the American public thirty five years ago…

As a former defense attorney I had clients who were sexually abused and retaliated against by their superiors for talking too much. But I couldn’t help them—the ubiquitous Soviet System deprived me of doing anything, it had control and power over me and all the multinational populations of Russia living under the lawless Socialist system where everything was politicized. I have written about Cuomo before; he will not admit anything and will never resign… a typical Socialist apparatchik tactic, thinking that the Earth revolves around him. His is a ‘slow the clock’ strategy. Shameless like Bill Clinton, who cost us trillions in damage to our national security and economy, yet, still is not in prison. Reading my books and columns you will see for yourself the parallels of identical cultures…

It was in my book The Russian Factor, where I identified the term Sovietization and predicted the Sovietization of America, politicization and polarization of the country ten years ago. We have it today. For this reason, I have introduced to you America’s Mafia-State in my column Warnings: The Russian Connection, Part II, Oct.18, 2016. In the column, I revealed again Bill Clinton’s strange visit to Moscow in June 1991, two and a half months before he announced his candidacy for U.S. President. He had a meeting with the Chairman of the KGB in Moscow. I also talked about the Clinton mafia, which is a franchise of the Soviet mafia. I called it the Clinton mafia—a criminal partnership of the politicians, created by Bill Clinton for the last forty years.

Cuomo’s crimes go beyond sexual abuse, they are also a mismanagement and the lust for Control and Power. The deaths in the Nursing Homes is one of the criminal mismanagements. He was wrong in many other respects besides COVID. New York is a one-party state and Cuomo is the real face of the Democrat Party. I started writing about cultural parallels in the beginning of the 21 century and called it the Sovietization of America. ”During the Cold War we talked a lot about Soviet expansion, even invented the policy of Containment.  But the West failed to contain expansion, not knowing how Sovietization had been de facto implemented.” P. 117, The Russian Factor: From Cold War to Global Terrorism.”  XLIBRIS, 2006.

I’d recommend you read the entire book, where you’ll find my lecture on global Stalinist Sovietization, prepared and made in the New York University, where I was teaching at the time. Reading the book, you will learn the multiple avenues Sovietization gradually was implemented and executed by the Democrat Party, inculcating socialist mentality into the population’s minds. That parallels what I indicated even earlier, as soon as my language armed me with the trends in American politics and culture. Being a grantee of the George F. Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies in 1985, my research was dedicated to the Russian Security System. I had known then and warned you: the KGB will come to America. Please, read The International Lawyer to recognize the Russian Intel in America.

Vol. 19, No. 3, Summer 1985

Published by: American Bar Association

The Soviet Internal Passport System (pp. 915-919)

Simona Pipko and Albert J. Pucciarelli

The interpretation of the a Soviet word “security” has a special twofold meaning: to secure Russia from foreign influence and to build globally One World Socialist Government Under the Kremlin’s rule. It was Stalin’s Doctrine establishing a totalitarian police state in Russia. The Doctrine had driven the growth of an immense bureaucracy to act globally and domestically simultaneously.

Watch today the Biden administration’s control over Americans and you will find a lot of similarities with the Soviet social Control and Power by the passport system, let alone the recent mandate—Vaccine Passport. It definitely related to the Soviet Passport System to exercise Control and Power and Chinese COVID has promoted that relationship…

Stalinist Socialism Targets Children and Capitalism

Watch also the events in our School system, where the teachers and the government are against the students. Please read the Story of Russian President Yeltsin in my column: Soviet Socialism in Stalinist America, July 15, 2021. You will see the parallel in the cultures—Socialism is targeting and indoctrinating children in both cultures, as a result of Sovietization in America, too… Look at the Teachers Union—an unelected bureaucracy that decides the fate of our children. The public school system is rotten and parents have no choice. The time has come to give money to parents not to use the school system like in the Soviet Russia. It is not “cancel culture,” but Sovietization of America and a distraction to the brilliant design of our political system left to us by our Founding Fathers.

There is another loud similarity in culture. Just look at the Korean Central News Agency’s or KCNA’s delivery of Kim’s message, “Our external political activities must focus on controlling and subjugating the United States, our archenemy and the biggest stumbling block to the development of our revolution.”  Listen to this: “Kim began the party conference this week, the last since 2016, by bluntly admitting that his last five-year economic plan had ended in failure, due to both external factors — such as international sanctions and the coronavirus — but also due to internal reasons, such as government mismanagement of the economy.” Kim Jong Un Calls U.S. North Korea’s ‘Biggest Enemy,’ Vows To Advance Nuclear Arsenal, NPR, January 9, 20214, by Anthony Kuln.

This is the crux of the matter. I left a country where the five-year economic plan was a law of the land. The country was Russia, with Stalinist Doctrine of totalitarian police state of Socialism. Nobody can argue with me: North Korea was created personally by Stalin, the documentary and history provided us with the story of North Korea’s creation. I was a witness of the event in 1948, living in Russia at the time. You can find the story in my books and columns. Please, look at the Biden policy and current Infrastructure bill: it is a copy of the five-year plan to bankrupt and destroy American capitalism. Here are inflation’s statistics for the six month of his presidency: “Gas up 45.1% Milk up 5.6% Fruit up 7.3% Car rentals up 87.7% Hotels up 16.9% Yet, Democrats are still trying to pass a $3.5 trillion spending package, leaving middle-class Americans with the bill.”

The circle will be closed if you know the opinion of our demented President Biden: “Communism is a failed system, I see Socialism as a useful substitute” Joe Biden 7.16. 2021. I have been following Biden since 2013-2014 when he was trying to suffocate the young Ukrainian democracy by helping Putin. Now, he continues helping Putin to destroy American capitalism in many different ways. The Biden administration is not ignoring the chaos in the border, it deliberately rewards criminality on the Southern border, helping Putin again like in Ukraine. Remember, it was Putin, who orchestrated the Muslim invasion to Europe in 2015. Now it is Act # 2 in America—Biden allows thousands of illegals with COVID to enter our nation and transfer them to Republican states Florida and Texas….

Also remember Pete Buttigieg, now the Transportation Secretary was sponsored by the KGB Mafia/Army, like Bernie and Biden in 2020. Socialist Charlatans are winning and the Republicans are losing because they have no knowledge of Stalinist Soviet Socialism. Trump is right: “the infrastructure bill will be used against the Republican Party in the upcoming elections in 2022 and 2024.” The Dems will allocate $46 billion. I will add that by lying, deceiving and defrauding, Socialist Charlatans will “invent” something to divert a voter’s attention from the important issues of the election by manipulations and fraud in the cyber security world or by bringing some garbage to confuse you.

In his Sunday Night show 8/8/2021, Trey Gowdy was calling for Truth, he wanted only the Truth about the events in America. Dear Trey, truth was killed hundred years ago, when Comrade Stalin invented his Political Correctness, which has been killing the Truth globally ever since. The American public uses the term very often, but only a few know that it was designed by Stalin. Trey Gowdy is right: On the eve of the memory of the 9/11 attacks, the truth about all Americans killed by Russia and her Intel must be revealed. Read my books and columns to find the truth…

Remember my warning: We are at war with Russian/Chinese Intel: they are fighting us for global Control and Power. In this war the Democrat Party has joined the enemy and is fighting against the Republicans and the Constitutional republic designed and left to us by our Founding Fathers. The crises and chaos in America is due to the activities of human beings. There are some very guilty entities and people. The measure of guilt is different, it is incompetence, ignorance, and treason. I leave to you the correct assessment and qualification of their actions. I can’t list all of them, but I want to give you some names:

  1. The Democrat Party leadership for collaborating with Russia’s Intel.
  2. The American Intel apparatus which has a duty to protect Americans, but contrary to that missed a massive infiltration of the Russian Intel.
  3. The FBI – the same duty and the same negative results.
  4. Two Democrat woman: Cori Bush and Jane Harman:

Cori Bush, a Representative of the Black community, was destroying it by her arrogant ignorance and incompetence. Her Black community desperately needs the police, more than any other community, but she was depriving her community the defense and security she personally had for herself. What arrogance! She was agitating to defund the police contrary to the wellbeing of Black people she was representing.

Moreover, she promoted the KGB narrative of White Supremacy. Read my column: Stalinism and Destabilization of America, June 2. 2015. The KGB started to divide races in America in the 1960s with the narrative of White Oppressors, then White Privilege, and lately White Supremacy. Cori Bush is helping the Russian Intel to indoctrinate Black people and further divide Americans…

The second woman is Jane Harman. Here is the official presentation: “Jane Harman, Distinguished Fellow and President Emerita, Wilson Center, is an internationally recognized authority on U.S. and global security issues, foreign relations and lawmaking. She resigned from Congress February 28, 2011 to join the Woodrow Wilson Center as its first female Director, President, and CEO.”

I am an Alumni of the George F. Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, a part of the Woodrow Wilson center and I have a very negative opinion of Jane Harman. George F. Kennan was the best expert on Russia providing the American government with real information about Russia’s aggressive policy. His death became a great loss to America and the appointment of Jane Harman has quadrupled this loss. Incompetent in Russian politics, she stopped productive activities of both institutions, depriving the American government and people in the expert’s research and needed information, untying Putin’s hands in the 21 century. Please, read in detail my column: America’s Socialist/Fascist Party = No Peace!  September 22, 2020

My fellow Americans!

We are now in the process of Socialist Revolution, Soviet Style in America, led by the third American Manchurian President. Only knowledge of Russia and her Intel de facto can provide you with understanding of the current crises and chaos in our nation. Time is short! Act accordingly now!

Freedom’s torch is yours!

To be continued and at

©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.