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The COVID Vax Bioweapon

By Save America Foundation

I believe that there was a bioweapon unleashed on the world, via a series of events that have taken place over the last 2 years.  But the bioweapon is not a virus, it is the product that was sold to us as the remedy to the so-called pandemic.  To argue my position on this matter I am going to start with the fact that the term pandemic has been used loosely by government and media to instill fear among the masses.  The definition of pandemic was actually changed back in 2009 by the WHO when we had that pesky swine flu.  The new definition doesn’t seem to differ much from the definition of epidemic.  The term pandemic as defined by The American Heritage Dictionary:

Pandemic; păn-dĕm′ĭk


  1. Widespread; general.
  2. Epidemic over a wide geographic area and affecting a large proportion of the population.
  3. Affecting a whole people or a number of countries; everywhere epidemic.

Now compare to the definition of epidemic from the same source:

Epidemic; ĕp″ĭ-dĕm′ĭk


  1. Spreading rapidly and extensively by infection and affecting many individuals in an area or a population at the same time.
  2. Widely prevalent.
  3. Common to, or affecting at the same time, a large number in a community; — applied to a disease which, spreading widely, attacks many persons at the same time; See endemic.

Prior to 2009, Pandemic was defined by the WHO as, “An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in several, simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.”

The term epidemic has remained the same, which seems to suggest that someone wanted to use the terms pandemic and epidemic interchangeably,probably to make it appropriate to fit the narrative of the day.

The second point I want to illustrate is the use of the word vaccine.  This definition has been changed by the CDC twice in the last two years.  The COVID jabs are in reality, a form of gene therapy.  An experimental gene therapy, as we know that the shots were given for the longest time under EUA.  The use of the word vaccine here is an attempt to take advantage of the immunity from liability that has been recognized for Bid Pharma regarding the development of vaccines since 1986, when congress acted to implement this sweetheart deal.   Is this push to use “vaccine” an admission that they were expecting severe injury and death from the get go?

Now we will address deaths that were attributed to COVID.  These “COVID deaths” were mostly made up of people that died from other conditions, or comorbidities, within a 28 day window prior to their death.  They wanted us to believe that there was massive, widespread death, globally, but the criteria wreak of ambiguity to the point where manipulation of data was a certainty as they had to promote hysteria so that the “vaccine” was profitable beyond anyone’s wildest dreams.  In Fall of 2020, the CDC released data revealing only 6% of COVID deaths resulted from COVID alone, in the absence of any other health problems.    The remaining 94% of these deaths attributed to COVID occurred in patients with 2.6 additional conditions/causes per death.  This means that 164,280 of the deaths up to this point (Fall 2020) occurred in patients suffering from other potentially fatal illnesses while only 9,857 were from COVID alone.  These are people that died in the hospital, and just happened to test positive upon their arrival, even though it was not the reason why they were there.  The best way to interpret this is that these people died with COVID, not of COVID.

On to the mask controversy, Dr. James Meehan, an ophthalmologist that went to school at the University of Oklahoma and has a practice in Tulsa, Oklahoma, has been very vocal about this subject and has received a lot of attention for speaking out, not all positive as one could expect.   Dr. Meehan has pointed out that new research has shown that cloth masks may be increasing the aerosolization of the SARSCov2 virus into the environment, causing an increase in the transmission of the disease.  He also references an increase in cases of facial rash, fungal and bacterial infections including bacterial pneumonia since this mask circus began back in 2020.  Hold that thought and let’s jump back to the early 20th century during the Spanish Flu outbreak, where they implemented mask mandates just like today.  These mandates were met with public resistance even back then.  Many pictures from this era show groups of people sporting masks.  Ok stay with me here, the National Institute of Health (NIH) acknowledges on their own .gov website, that most deaths occurring during this time of the Spanish Flu pandemic in 1918, were a result of bacterial pneumonia.

And to conclude I want to reference the average age of recorded COVID deaths compared to the average age of those that died during the Spanish Flu outbreak and how these numbers fit into the big picture.   The average age of recorded COVID deaths is 80 + years.  The average age of death for people in the midst of Spanish Flu was in the late 20’s.  Keep in mind that the average age of death for COVID patients here actually surpasses that of the current average life expectancy.

Take all of this information that I have laid out here and see the blatant deception by the so-called experts, and their willingness to double down on their inconsistency and obvious lies and you can see that COVID was only the vehicle to drive public fear and that “the virus” was a massive Psyops, perpetrated on the American people by the government and the corrupt healthcare industry.

One can see how important it was to make people afraid of the virus, so that they would line up for the real bioweapon, the COVID death jabs, incorrectly labeled vaccines to provide legal protection for big pharma when we reached the point we are at now. 

Deaths skyrocketed in 2021 after the jabs were introduced, some died of acute reactions like anaphylaxis while others will have other complications over the long term, such as autoimmune disease and general weakening of the immune system, blood clots, heart attacks, neurological symptoms, and let’s not forget a substantial increase in cancer cases as we have heard recently from Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist and founder of Cole Diagnostics.  Dr. Cole says, “In the laboratory, I’m seeing an uptick in cancers that I shouldn’t be seeing at rates I shouldn’t be seeing in age groups I shouldn’t be seeing,” Cole told The Epoch Times.  A major Swedish study suggests that the spike protein your body starts making after the introduction of these jabs, inhibits our body’s ability to repair DNA and has been linked to cancer cases.   The study cites that,

“the SARS–CoV–2 spike protein significantly inhibits DNA damage repair, which is required for effective V(D)J recombination in adaptive immunity.”

All of this info out there and there are still people that are displaying a level of cognitive dissonance that may prove fatal. The sad part of this whole thing, is that people have volunteered to have this bio weapon injected into their body because they were psychologically conditioned to feel that getting the jabs was a necessity for them to survive. This is one of the most consequential atrocities that has ever been unleashed on mankind. It has damaged our children, our collective mental health, and society as a whole. All perpetrated by global elites to hasten the implementation of The Great Reset. History will hopefully show that the experts led the masses to slaughter here, and I still hope that there is some recourse that can be taken by the jabbed to rectify the damage that has been done to them. The Great Awakening continues to gain steam.

Grasshopper’s Patriot Blog.

©Jason Brown. All rights reserved.

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