The Fascist Putsch in America

Michael Moore urges Biden to embrace the far-left. If you know who Michael Moore is, you’ll grasp the essence of the Biden campaign’s political core. Language greatly matters in politics, and in the case of the Radical Left, its real name—Socialist Charlatans. Writing about Russia and her Intel for decades, I‘ve listed the participants in the KGB army in America. Michael Moore is a main contributor to the KGB army—a true Socialist Charlatan. This army of traitors, the current anti-Trump forces, are now concocting a Socialist Revolution in America. They have a single goal to transform American Capitalism to the same Socialism that collapsed in the 1991 Russia. Knowledge of all of them is a must to save the American Republic.

The KGB’s Army: The Force of Evil in America

To grasp my idea, you have to know at least two elements of reality: the power of the KGB and the status quo of Russia. Using the term KGB, I mean the entire Russian Intel—it is a collective image–those three letters are familiar to the vast majority of Americans. Living half of my life in Russia, I learned their tactics and the KGB modus operandi. In my books and columns I shared my knowledge with you and showed how the KGB’s army was infiltrating, polluting, and corrupting the American spirit, Governmental System, and Democratic Institutions. Recognizing those individuals, I don’t call them “spies,” they are more than “spies” on the sidelines collecting info, they are the doers in the midst of the country, corrupting minds, souls and spirit of America. I give the names of some, but there are thousands of them subverting our country and our way of life. Read here The Death of the American Republic –The American Spirit is Next, November, 11, 2020.
Seventy years ago Nikita Khrushchev warned you: “Your children will live under Communism.” America didn’t take it seriously, allowing the KGB army to indoctrinate and brainwash thousands minds and create a Socialist mentality, presenting a cosmetic version of Socialism on our soil. The Democrat Party was most susceptible to that mind set and in that way Truman’s party was infiltrated, dissolved and converted into the party of Socialist Charlatans by the KGB. Don’t take my words, just look at the platform, policy, and projects the Dems entertain and follow. Don’t be surprised by massive fraud in the election 2020—it is Socialist modus operandi: lies, deceit, and fraud decorated by the symbols and slogans. The system of laws and check and balances designed to prevent these actions has been overridden by the corrupt American media establishment.  You saw all of that during the last five years of the anti-Trump coup—the Obama/Putin Conspiracy had been developed and turned to a Biden/Putin Fascist Putsch in 2020…  Fascism never sleeps…                    

No. 1 Enemy of America: The Democrat Party

The name of the Democrat party is itself a total fraud, the Party has nothing to do with democracy, its modus operandi: lies, cheating, and fraud. For the last three decades the forces of Socialist Charlatans working in tandem and inextricably ties with the KGB’s army have produced a result—the Biden/Harris ticket is the direct product of that. Their agenda is Putin’s agenda—destruction of the American Constitutional Republic… They call it a ‘transformation’ [Remember…words matter]. Can you imagine my feelings, watching all of that and writing about its damaging and vicious development for the last thirty-five years? I left Russia in 1980, immigrating to America, but the evil, venomous system of Soviet Fascism was spreading throughout the world, especially in South and North America, catching up with me finally in the U.S.A!
I know and love this wonderful country. There is no choice for me but to continue to educate Americans. Besides, knowing all kinds of Soviet fraud, I hoped for Trump to expose it. And I am not alone, 99% of GOP senators didn’t congratulate Biden. Some of them know the truth, some just feel the fraud. Rudy Giuliani alleged on Nov. 11, 2020 that roughly 650,000 unlawful ballots were cast in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I was writing about fraud in Pennsylvania for years, giving the cases of fraud. The example is the presidential election 2012, a fraud committed by then Governor of Pennsylvania Ed Rendell and the KGB agent Rahm Emanuel, revealed in several of my columns. Massive mail-in ballot harvesting allows dead people to vote, people without ID to vote and vote-counting software fraud, rigging the system. I know the KGB ability to hack and defraud. The army of Socialist Charlatans in concert with the KGB is “working” hard and fast to bring Biden to the presidency in 2020…
In the same fraudulent manner, the Soviet style, Biden declares himself victor despite promise to wait for ‘independently certified’ results. He is abetted by an eager, arrogant media that thinks they crown winners and losers. He is in a hurry, stealing the election from President Trump, knowing that at any minute his crime can be exposed. It is hard to list all the crimes committed by this tandem—they honor neither transparency nor truth, they matched the Soviet apparatchiks, and killed their own Senator, because he was losing the election. Watch Biden’s cabinet, you will find a few KGB agents there. Though my books and columns had been sabotaged and blocked, yet, you can find facts of the KGB crimes in America by reading What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, XLIBRIS, 2012. If you want to learn about real Socialism go here.
Socialist Charlatans brought Chinese COVID-19 as a referendum against Trump. What a shame! They have continued defending the Chinese- criminals and, as usual, accused Trump… Obama, as a true Socialist has accused President Trump in fraudulent activities. What a Disgrace! A typical socialist play book. Do you remember Stalin’s postulate? Never admit crime committed, instead accuse the opposition in that exact crime. This is a refrain of all Dems, followers of Stalin’s methods. So, there are two types of people committing betrayals in America: those who do not like the system established by our Founding Fathers– they are currently collaborating with the KGB to destroy America, and those who haven’t a clue about the KGB, hence becoming their accomplices.
Fox News is disappointing us by their ignorance pertaining to Russia demonstrated in this tumultuous time. There are only two men in Fox News who grasped the significance of this knowledge, Tucker Carlson and Jesse Waters. Yet, the Fox administration has promoted the most ignorant one-Chris Wallace. When I see his face, I turn off the TV. A Democrat, he demonstrated his ego and arrogance, turning the first presidential debate into chaos. I have warned Fox News of their ignorance, and if they won’t educate their staff, I will call for boycotting the channel. Fox has chosen to forget the pogroms in the Dems’ states by riots, burning bibles and the American flag for expedience! Next time, wearing the black shirt, they will burn books! Knowledge of Russia and her Intel is a Must to save the American Constitutional Republic! Read here my columns on Soviet fascism–the terminology depends on your knowledge of Socialism…

The Heralds of Truth and Georgia’s War for the Senate  

The heralds of truth are the dozen Republican women elected to the House of Representative. Besides the incredible Trump achievements in the economy, cosmos, the unity of races, and the Trump/COVID-19 vaccine: these Republican women from socialist countries will be a breath of fresh air with their knowledge about the nefarious political system, unknown to the vast majority of Americans. Just watch the new tone in the House in January 2021, regardless of Pelosi’s rhetoric. Those Republican women are the messenger-couriers of the Truth, desperately needed in the U.S. House of Representatives…
It is very timely that Iowa GOP senator Charles Grassley, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, fired off a letter to U.S. Attorney General William Barr in which he stated, “… the actions by Hunter Biden and James Biden on behalf of CEFC, Ye Jianming, and other officers connected to CEFC, potentially make them agents of the Chinese government.” Does Hunter, James Biden’s Actions Make Them Agents Of Chinese Government? By Hank Berrien, November 12, 2020
Sen. Grassley is absolutely right. The FBI, DOJ, and our Intel have been infiltrated and corrupt for several decades. They missed or deliberately acquiesced to the long-term activities of the Biden’s family mafia-clan, collaborating with enemy’s regimes: China, Russia, and others. The crux of the matter is the ideology of the regimes. We have undisputable evidence of Hunter Biden monetary ties to China and Russia. That is one, exact Socialist/Communist long-term collaboration to investigate. This is a precise point for Georgia’s Senatorial election—ideology and the Dems’ connections to the Socialist/Communist regimes.
The Georgia senatorial race should be nationalized to expose both Dems’ candidates for what they are. Democrat Raphael Warnock is a blatant anti-Semite and racist seeking to unseat Republican Kelly Loffler in Georgia’s runoff election in January. He is even more than racist—he is an Andropov follower. It was Andropov, the KGB Chairman, anti-Semite who endorsed, validated and sponsored the Palestinian regime since the 1960s. Read online my book Socialist Lies, Chapter 25 about the propaganda of socialism within the black communities of America. Warnock was a recipient of those lies. Listening to him you will grasp his anti-American sentiments, attributes, and ideas. He should listen and learn from the real black American intellectuals and patriots Jason Whitlock and Kevin Jackson…
The second Dem fellow-traveler is quite easy to identify: he is endorsed by Soros, the Trojan Horse Bernie Sanders, both members of the KGB army for thirty years and Georgian Socialist apparatchik Stacy Abrams. John Ossoff is being supported outright by the U.S. Communist Party. He said that “climate change is a threat to our security and prosperity.” This is a typical idea of Socialist Charlatans to destroy a free market and American capitalism. In reality, the Dems’ candidates present “a threat to our security and prosperity.” Ossoff’s view on abortions will prolong the killing of millions of babies, especially in the black communities. He also refused to sign the pledge to support law enforcement. These couple of Socialist Charlatans will help the Biden/Putin fascist cartel to reverse all of Trump’s successes. Like the demented Biden, both are Putin’s puppets of a long-term Socialist propaganda machine in America, contagious like Chinese COVID-19 virus.
The harvesting of ballots is going on now in this moment in Georgia, stealing the election. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”  Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945.  Socialist Charlatans are very experienced in organized lying, cheating, and defrauding… never wasting time. They know that they are the criminals and to escape prison, they seek the power of the Senate. Republicans should grasp that to fight them vigorously to save the American Constitutional Republic!
I hope you understand now who had established and sponsored BLM and Antifa in America…
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