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The Goal of the Globalists — Satan’s Partners in His Quest to Destroy America

By Bud Hancock

Many Americans are now waking up to the truth about what has been happening to our nation for years: that there are groups of people, some made up of evil people, some made up of utterly ignorant Americans, others who are part of various cabals around the globe that seemingly want to see the demise of the United States of America.

Too many strange events have occurred, and are still occurring, many of them unexplained, creating crisis after crisis, to believe that they all just “happened” on their own. In most cases, the events are political in nature, or have a political basis, and it brings to mind the words of former POTUS, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who said: “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” So we seem to be seeing a deliberate, well-planned series of events designed to reduce this nation to a shadow of its former glorious state.

It is not difficult to look a short time into the future and see some catastrophic event(s) turning this nation into a smoking heap of ash, or worse, a third-world toilet with no hope for a future of freedom or liberty that we have known all our lives.

Whether this nation is on a course to imminent disaster because of these unexplained events by the supposed perpetrators, is subject to speculation, and there is another possibility that I will discuss later in this article.

The Return of the Jewish People to their Promised Land

Those of us who are a part of the generation that saw the establishment of the nation of Israel in their own historic homeland on May 14, 1948, in fulfillment of the ‘dry bones’ prophecy in Ezekiel 37:1-14, are aware of how quickly unexpected events can change the world. Before that historic event, the majority of the Jewish people were scattered into nearly every country on earth, awaiting their eternal dwelling place to re-emerge from the dustbin of history.

The Jewish people were nearly ‘counted out’ by the world when they suffered so many lost in the Holocaust after having been persecuted by many nations where they settled. But God has a way of changing things, miraculously, in a short period of time. He was working both overtly and covertly on behalf of His chosen earthly people for many years, and through two world wars, and when His timing was right, the land that had laid so desolate and barren for so long saw the return of thousands of Jewish people from many countries where they had been dispersed beginning in AD 70 after the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans.

Their homeland lay barren for centuries after the Jews were scattered as a result of God’s anger toward them for their rejection of His Son and Our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. God, the Master Planner, Who knew the exact day the nation of Israel would be reformed, with the return of hundreds of thousands of Jews from around the world, had everything concerning that return well in hand and no assistance from man was needed to facilitate it. When God decides something will happen on a certain date, it will happen, period.

The renewal of their ancestral homeland did not occur overnight, but since May 14, 1948, the return of the Jewish people to the land given to them eternally by Jehovah, it has blossomed into the land that God predicted it would be upon their return. Israel is a growing and in many respects a thriving nation that has become one of the marvels of the entire  world, even though they are surrounded by many millions of people who have harbored a generational hatred toward Israel and who still threaten their existence continuously and are continually attacking and killing Jews whenever and wherever they can.

U.S. Involvement

The United States, as a result of the action of former POTUS, Harry S. Truman, was the first nation to recognize the new state of Israel in May 1948. Seemingly an ally of the newly formed Jewish nation, the U.S. government gradually became more and more involved in the administration of the Israeli government, even to the point of dictating Israeli policy that was favored by, and favorable to, the U.S. and its leaders, to be accepted by the Israeli government. Much of this policy was directed toward forming a peace between Israel and their surrounding Arab neighbors and, at least in the 80’s and 90’s, involved swapping Jewish land for peace.

Such a “forced” policy may work in areas where the person who originally gave the land to the Jewish people is not directly involved in what happens to the land in question. But all those who believe the word of God that clearly states how God feels about the Jewish people and the land He gave them for an eternal possession, should be incensed about any and all attempts to sidestep God’s declarations and make men the final arbiters of land disputes between Israel and the surrounding Arab nations. Regardless of the number of such “disputes” on the part of Israel’s neighbors, as well as any other nation that might try to force a solution to the disputes, there is no dispute in the mind of God. He spoke His will when He told Abraham: “Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever” (Genesis 13:14).

In God’s mind the ownership of the “disputed land” is settled; He gave it to Abraham and his seed for an eternal inheritance and regardless of what men may say about it, they will not ever change God’s mind.

God chose Abraham to father the people from whom He would provide His means of salvation from the curses on humanity and the earth. He had His plan formulated and ready before He even created man and has NEVER needed the help of men to bring His plan to fruition.

Unfortunately, the misguided leaders of the United States government have, for decades, deemed it their mission in life to decide how the land of Israel will be administered. Their misguided efforts have brought many disasters on our nation, many times within mere hours or days of their arrogant actions toward Israel.

God warned mankind, over and over, about trying to usurp His plans both for Israel and the Gentile nations. His warnings were always clear about what would happen when they were ignored, especially His warnings about Israel and Jerusalem. Those warnings are still very pertinent to the actions we can see regarding the Gentile nations who are hell-bent on usurping God’s authority over Jerusalem. Their actions will not end well for them.

The United Nations, an organization that is nearly 100% against God and His plan for the Jewish people and all of mankind, has been behind the actions to smear and insult Israel. As a world organization having nearly two hundred nation-members, they use their unified clout to push total lies about the Jewish people, especially relating to Israel’s actions against the surrounding nations that want to see Israel destroyed. When events occur involving conflict between Israel and one or more of their close neighbors, especially the events that cost the lives of the terrorists that work so diligently to kill Jews, the U.N. always sides with the terrorists against Israel. The bias is so blatant even a child could see through it. The U.N. member-nations make no attempt to hide their hatred for Israel and those who support the Jewish people.

In many instances, the U.N. has directed its hatred against the United States when this nation stood with Israel and against those who want to see the Jews wiped off the map. It is highly likely that most of the nations in the U.N. now have a growing hatred for the U.S., not just because of our stance in favor of israel, but also because of the way that our government is constantly pushing them around, either with military threats or with financial sanctions against them for one reason or another.

I can only speculate about the feelings of other nations toward America, but if it is true that they have little love for the U.S. government, it would then follow that they would participate, overtly or covertly in any action that would reduce the U.S. influence in the world.

My personal opinion is the the current course of this nation, definitely heading the wrong direction, and seemingly bound for utter destruction, is due to this corrupt nation having banged head first into God’s foreign policy toward all who would curse and disrespect the offspring of Abraham. Let me explain:

In Genesis 12:1-3, God specifically told Abraham how He (God) felt about other peoples and nations treating His (God’s) chosen people, the Apple of His Eye, with anything other than respect and honor. He said to Abraham, “And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (Genesis 12:3).

A closer word study of verse three reveals more closely what God had intended. The word “curseth” is the Hebrew word “qalal”, Strong’s 7043, pronounced kaw-lal’), meaning to revile, to show contempt for (the feeling or attitude of regarding someone or something as inferior, base or worthless), to scorn, to insult, to disrespect.

The word “curse” used in the same verse is the Hebrew word “arar”, Strong’s 779, pronounced aw-rar’) meaning to execrate (declare to be worthless or abhorrent, to loathe), and to bitterly curse (to declare to be loathed, excommunicated/cut off and  utterly damned/destroyed).

Because the translators of the King James version used the English word “curse” twice, the text is misleading and fails to provide a true understanding of just how contemptible God finds those who treat Abraham and his offspring with disrespect.

The best example of God’s utter disgust with those who disrespect Abraham is the Jewish nation itself. God chose Abraham to be the forefather of the woman who would form and carry the body of Jesus. All his earthly life, Jesus perfectly exhibited God’s love and plan for the Jewish people, including their own redemption, individually and as a nation, and their earthly status as His chosen people, but that was all dependent on the Jews accepting Jesus as their Messiah. When they rejected Him, and approved his crucifixion, God’s anger was kindled and he utterly destroyed their nation. As a people/nation, they disappeared from the earth for 2000 years and wandered into and through many nations who also despised them just for being Jews. Is it not a true indication of how much God respected Abraham that He would destroy the very nation of Israel for the rejection of His Son, himself a Jew?

If God would do that to the people He declared to be the Apple of His eye, how much more likely is it that His wrath will fall on other nations who not only disrespect Abraham, but openly declare their utter hatred for them and openly threaten  to wipe them off the map?

Just as bad as those who issue loud and open threats is the action of any nation that would work, overtly or covertly, to divide the land that God promised to Abraham and his offspring for an ”eternal inheritance”.

The United States, having been greatly blessed because of her initial defense and support of Israel, but now having become so determined to continue interfering with their government and still working to force a peace that would allow for the destruction of Israel, is absolutely NOT exempt from God’s wrath.

Based on the info in the last several paragraphs, it is my opinion that the leaders of the United States, having been guilty of trying to “force a phony peace” between Israel and her Arab neighbors, by encouraging the Jews to “offer their land in exchange for peace”, many times over the past 30 years, are the epitome of “partners with Satan”  who have placed our nation in the physical, financial, moral and spiritual quagmire we are now in.

That “other possibility” I mentioned earlier is that God Himself has decided already the fate of the United States, based on the evil done to the nation of Israel through the many events in which our government leaders have tried to interfere with the plans God has for the Jewish people. The last 50 years have produced a seriously misguided bunch of godless fools who think they know better than God how to “handle” Israel, and that may have placed the US where we are right now, a foundering ship with no clear direction of finding its ways back to where we were  200 years ago, or even 50 years ago.

The many actions of the United States immoral and corrupt leaders which have placed Israel in danger have also made the U.S. a target of God’s wrath, and have given Satan a reason to rejoice as he watched his minions destroy their own nation. Dear Lord God, what a realm of fools politics has produced.

Maranatha and Blessings!

©2023. Bud Hancock. All rights reserved.