The Idiocy Of Leftist Beliefs!

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled” – Plutarch

Today I give you Chris Wrights thoughts on the stupidity of leftist beliefs. When it is written like this I cannot help but shake my head and try work out how Americans came to this place in our history. How do we get where this even begins to make sense? I have to be honest I worked with a Deputy Sheriff once who was as left as they come. He was spiritually and morally bereft of any common sense and was a sworn socialist. We had at times pretty spirited arguments which at times could be acrimonious but somehow we were able to work civilly together when needed and somehow I knew he would have my back.

When I read what I am publishing here, I just remember him. His sheer hatred of President Trump, anything conservative and the GOP was at times irrationally displayed in his verbiage and language which could make a sailor blush!! ( Not me though! ) I believe he probably would see nothing wrong with what is written below.

On a personal side note I have always been amazed at the number of libtard deputy sheriffs I worked with. I am unable to fathom how you can take an oath to defend and protect the constitution of the United States of America while working politically with those whose sole aim is the destruction of the above mentioned United States of America and its constitution! They are the ones who will obey unconstitutional orders and unlawful orders. They are the ones who will come for your guns. They are the ones who will not be on the right side of history.

Anyway. Enjoy the blog today and as always feel free to share! Thanks Chris!

PS:– I also put a few pictures of the typical leftist fools here, here and here.

Hi all,

I believe the longer minority students sit in their seats, the whiter they get.

I believe the more men give birth, the more manly they become.

I believe there’s a racist behind every bush and we need an inquisition to root them all out.  People should be hauled before Congress and asked, “Are you now or have you ever been a racist?”

I believe heterosexuality is a tragedy, a real tragedy, and somebody should have told my parents that.

I believe 8-year-olds should be able to choose their gender and get drugs from rich psychiatrists without their parents knowing.  If parents object, I believe judges should terminate their parental rights.  Who needs parents and families anyway?  What a stupid old idea.  Everybody knows it takes a village to raise a child and change their gender.

I believe we only have 12 years left before the planet turns into a cinder and we all burn up from climate change.  Oh wait, two years are gone already, so we only have 10 years left.  Better start using those old gift cards now.  Time is running out.

I believe we should all have as small a carbon footprint as we possibly can, except when we’re rioting and looting and burning cities to the ground.  Then the bigger the footprint, the better.

I believe healthcare is a basic human right unless, of course, you’re not vaccinated for COVID, then you shouldn’t get any healthcare at all, even if you’re bleeding out right in front of me.  That’s what I believe.

I believe we shouldn’t have borders because we shouldn’t have countries or nation-states in the first place.  I say we save the whole planet and let everybody in, all 7 billion of them.  We’re all global citizens now.  How do I know?  Because my local school board told me so.  None of them are parents, but they’re experts – they know what’s best for everybody, especially children, that’s what I believe.

I believe there are no facts and there is no truth.  Even if that last statement can’t possibly be true if there is no truth.  … I’m getting confused.  No matter.  I believe if somebody jumps off a 30-storey building and goes splat on the sidewalk below, they didn’t really go splat, it was just a matter of perception.  That may sound like post-modern gibberish to some, but it’s still rock-n-roll to me.

I believe there is no bias in the media, even if they themselves have told me four dozen times they are biased.   I believe everything should be evidence-based, except when I don’t like the evidence, or I need to lie to make my point.  Especially when I need to lie to make my point.  That happens a lot.  But that’s OK, because we’re good people and you’re not.

I believe Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Western Civ has got to go!  We need to stop dating our years from the birth of Christ.  You think it’s the year 2021?  No way!  It’s 104 USSR, 104 years since the birth of the first communist state.  Let’s get our priorities straight here, OK?  While we’re on this subject, why are we still using Monday through Sunday for the days of the week?  Those names were invented by dead white Europeans because of their stupid religion.  I believe all religion is stupid, especially yours.  We should toss those names out because all old ideas are stupid.  We need living, breathing ideas.  We need to make 57-day weeks, and give the days new names to honor each one of the 57 genders.  I believe corporations will give me millions of dollars to promote this idea and, given what they’re funding lately, who’s to say I’m wrong?

I believe everything you say is wrong.  And because you’re wrong, you have no right to say it.  So shut up and listen to me.  I’m not finished!

I believe I belong to a small group of people who have secret knowledge that will bring about heaven on earth.  Only we know how to do this because we’re special.  Everyone else is deplorable.  It’s our secret and we’re not gonna tell you, because you wouldn’t understand it.  We know how you should live your life better than you do.  We know how to spend your money better than you do.  It’s not your money anyway, it’s ours, because YOU DIDN’T BUILD THAT, we did.  If you can’t see that, you’re stupid, and we’ll just force you to do what we say.  You hear me?  We’ll FORCE you.  So, get used to it, you stupid ninnies, because we’re taking over soon, whether you like it or not.  We’re taking over absolutely everything.  We’re creating a paradise for you, right in your front yard, and we will use any means to get there, even if we have to steal elections to do it.  It’s for your own good, after all.  Why can’t you see that?  It’s as plain as the nose on your face.

Hmm… I hear sirens in the distance.  Wait, somebody’s knocking on my door.  They’re wearing white coats.  See you next time.  What am I saying?  Time?  What is this ‘time’?  I’m getting confused again.  Up is down and down is up.  Do you think they’ll give me a padded cell this time?

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