The Shot to be Heard Across the Nation is Not Far Off.

Below is a poignant poem written by a fellow Rhodesian, ( now Zimbabwean ) Michelle Frost. Read it and understand that what happened in Rhodesia in 1980 is exactly what is happening here in America.

If you are white you are going to be discriminated against. White privileged people are to be shamed. White privileged people who have got what they have through sheer hard work, grit and determination, will be expected to surrender more and more to a progressive ‘woke’ society who will continue running our beloved nation into the ground until it is turned inside out and destroyed. Black and white Christian people will be discriminated against and mocked – made to feel ashamed of their honest and fervently held beliefs. Just like Pastor Artur Pawlowski in Canada who has been arrested and abused multiple times and constantly harassed and treated as a common criminal by so called cops and border agents. These cops have and continue to act like Nazis.

America. They are coming for them in Canada, in Australia and trust me, there is nothing more these insane leftists would like to see than anti vaxxers arrested. For conservatives to be arrested. For Trump supporters to be arrested. For freedom loving and anti big government believers to be arrested. For capitalists to be arrested. Et al.

The increasing speed with which this evil Devil spawn administration is sinking our Constitutional Republic is scary. The amount of Americans who have lost their minds and their American spirit seems to be growing. The extremist comments coming out of the mouths of these ignoramuses and evil personified individuals seems to get more extreme daily.

These libtard fools are domestic terrorists. They are the domestic and now also illegal enemies within. If they are not destroyed they will destroy what was the greatest, most powerful nation ever established.

All those Americans who have taken an Oath as a law enforcement officer, Federal Agent or military member etc. need to understand, retired or active, that the Oath they took does not expire. An Oath is a solemn promise. Often to God.

Here is an example:- I (state your name), do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of the State of ( ? ) , that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and defend them against enemies, foreign and domestic, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge, the duties of a peace officer, to the best of my ability, so help me God.

So as you see. A solemn, binding, without end Oath.

To all of us that have taken that Oath, what more evidence of malfeasance and treason do you need to see? Our present illegal federal administration, headed by a completely mentally incompetent, criminal and traitor, but organized by other evil beings, ( Obama etc.) is committing treason and stamping their dirt ridden China made boots all over our Constitution as well as on those that have given their all to protect and defend America. They are destroying the military, law enforcement, the judiciary, the economy, the middle class, Americans of all creeds, colors and religions. They are destroying the morals and ethics of our families. They are destroying the traditional family units. They are destroying well and long held religious beliefs. They are making the murder of our future generations acceptable with their evil beliefs in abortion up to birth. They are trying to make sexual perversions and abnormalities seem normal and if you don’t see it that way you are homophobic. They are taking all our rights and privileges away including our control of our own bodies and what we put in them. They are trying to remove parental authority over your kids saying it takes a village to raise them. Wrong. It takes a mother and father. I could go on but you get the picture.

What spark will it take to begin the revolt that will take back our Constitutional Republic? How much more crap will we allow? How much more destruction of the American way of life will we allow? How many more unconstitutional dictator style orders and mandates will we allow? How much longer will we abide by or put up with dictatorial monarch type government?

What and where is the breaking point? I submit not far away.

Think long and hard. Read the poem below and contemplate. Get on your knees and pray for divine guidance. Get right with your God. If you need help with that seek out the true religious and Bible believing church. One that is not scared of losing its tax exempt status. A church and pastor like mine. A teacher of the Bible as written and not subverted.

Things to do:- Join a militia. Join an organization like Oathkeepers or a local III% er group. They are not a right wing extremist racist organization. That is just what the media and libtards want you to think. Find like minded people in your community. Train. Purchase firearms and ammunition. Gold and silver. Emergency food. Survivalist equipment. Ballistic vests. Take a survival course. Take an advanced driving class. Learn basic security measures. Ensure your home is secure. Get cameras and alarms. Train your family in all the above. Pray daily. Read your Bible daily.

If there is to be an armed conflict God will be on the side of right. He will never support any of the leftists and socialists. The bums or those that are ignorant. The haters, the intolerant, the racists, the sexually bankrupt, the immoral or deviant society. Pedophiles, rapists, sex traffickers, drug dealers, thieves and criminals etc.

Please enjoy the poem below but try understand my reason for publishing it.

Homeland, by Michelle Frost:

Within my soul, within my mind,
There lies a place I cannot find.
Home of my heart. Land of my birth. Smoke-coloured stone and flame-coloured earth. Electric skies. Shivering heat. Blood-red clay beneath my feet.

At night when finally alone,
I close my eyes – and I am home.
I kneel and touch the blood-warm sand And feel the pulse beneath my hand Of an ancient life too old to name,
In an ancient land too wild to tame.

How can I show you what I feel? How can I make this essence real?
I search for words in dumb frustration To try and form some explanation, But how can heart and soul be caught In one-dimensional written thought?

If love and longing are a “fire” And man “consumed” by his desire, Then this love is no simple flame. That mortal thought can hold or tame. As deep within the earth’s own core The love of home burns evermore.

But what is home? I hear them say, This never was yours anyway. You have no birthright to this place, Descendant from another race. An immigrant? A pioneer?
You are no longer welcome here.

Whoever said that love made sense? “I love” is an “imperfect” tense. To love in vain has been man’s fate From history to present date.
I have no grounds for dispensation, I know I have no home or nation.

For just one moment in the night
I am complete, my soul takes flight. For just one moment …. then it’s gone and I am once again undone. Never complete. Never whole. White Skin and an African soul.

©John Brownbill. All rights reserved.