The Time is Now America.

America! Today is your lucky day!

Today you get three short blogs for the price of one!! Heck – they are always free here! They are all written by true Americans and ask questions some of you may be uncomfortable answering or considering. Read on ….

My friend, Adam, whose work has been printed here in the past, has just written two very insightful pieces I want you all to read and share. ( Part 1 and 2 )

He does not mince his words. He is a patriot. He loves his country. He is an awesome family man, strong morals and a devout Christian. In short a true American patriot and an extremely close friend of my family. He may be blind but amazingly can do so many things. Please take the 10/15 minutes of your precious time and read these two essays. Then read them again. After that share the heck out of them to all that you know.

I have also added a piece, Part 3 to this blog sent to me by another personal friend and retired Army Colonel with whom I have had many dealings. We have protested shoulder to shoulder in DC. He is a true patriot and a true tried and tested American warrior. The piece was written by a person called ‘Jan Brown’ and fits in well with Adams’ two pieces.

Part 1:

I’ve been warning people about endgames for years upon years now. Agendas are never about current actions but instead are always about the ultimate goal. The small steps that movements and agendas start out with are never just thoughtless staggering, but instead are part of an integral dance purposely designed and planned to reach a destination, to fulfill their final solutions.

It doesn’t matter what that movement or agenda is. Gun rights, abortion, marriage… their ultimate goal has little to do with what they pretend them to be about and that is so very clear to anyone who chooses to look.

Let’s look for a moment at the tearing down of Confederate monuments and the demonization of the Confederate battle flag and the southern culture in general. At first glance you might find this agenda/movement noble, credible and even support it, but what is the endgame? It’s not hard to see if you choose to look past the rhetoric and nonsense of what they currently profess it to be. Sure it started with these Confederate monuments but look how quickly it has progressed into an assault on American history and America in general.

First it was the Confederate battle flag that was racist and offensive and now it’s the American flag. First it was the demonization of the southern culture, and as the dance toward the endgame continues it’s now the conservative culture. It has gotten so bad that even the federal bureaucracy of the National Archives has said that the Constitution itself is a racist document! That’s right folks, the federal bureaucracy that holds all of our historical records, who stores and preserves all of our historic documents is now publicly saying that our Constitution is a racist document.

Do you see the endgame now? How long before they start destroying our written monuments??? You don’t think that can happen, you don’t think that will happen, well then you just aren’t thinking! I know that it is hard for honest, good-natured people of character to believe that such evil exists, but I assure you that it does and continued to be left unchecked it will absolutely consume us. In order to stop a thief you have to think like a thief. This doesn’t mean you have to act like a thief, it simply means that you have to think in the bigger picture and not just in the comfortable box we tend to lock ourselves into.

Most agendas are ravenous wolves that come to us in sheep‘s clothing. They are like the warm fire that calls us to it on a cold night only to quickly flame out of control and utterly destroy us. We’ve been playing with matches long enough and if we don’t start quenching these flames the inferno that will ensue will be a living hell on earth that no one will survive.

Part 2:

Before you support any cause make sure to look at the bigger picture, to find the endgame. That isn’t always easy, and no one is going to let you know. It is something that you will have to research and with an honest heart find all by yourself. The steps that are being taken right now may seem noble, may seem just, may seem to be the right thing for all involved, but that seldom is the case when you look at the endgame…

The time has come for strong men of faith and conviction to draw hard lines and make binding proclamations. It is time for the people to gather together in unwavering support of these men. Not in the man himself, but in the renewed values and traditions that they rally us behind. We need to bring back not only the Jeffersonian spirit of our Constitution but revive the letter of it in its entirety and original form. It is time to either stamp out the tyrannical gross overreach of a government drunk on greed, control and power through State nullification or leave it altogether behind us in a secession of unified States.

We must either take back the power afforded, no commanded to us by our Constitution in its original form before it was cannibalized by the likes of Lincoln, Hamilton before him and the death-nail that was the illegitimate enactment of the 14th Amendment, or leave this current constitution of fluidity and federal tyranny to form a more perfect union.

We must get back to States of sovereign independence that are lead and controlled on the local level and accurately reflect and represent our values and desires.

For far too long and with our blessing the federal monarchy that was created in the aftermath of the War of Independence of the southern States has stripped the States and hence all of us of our liberty, rights and freedom. In this we all must take a long hard look in the mirror. We all in one form or another have contributed to this “fall from grace”. Through complacency or apathy or naivety or maybe even sure exhaustion we have allowed the powers that be to run amuck and afoul. They have gone unchecked and unobstructed while we watched and listened to our overpaid and venerated athletes, actors and recording artists, drank our overpriced coffee, demanded education and healthcare, or simply worked 60+ hours a week just trying to put food on the table and make sure our kids have it a little better than we did.

It wouldn’t be totally fair nor honest to place all of the weight and blame of this tyrannical situation we find before us on the shoulders of us citizens. The system these malevolent “leaders” have put into place starts the indoctrination process ever earlier and earlier in our mental development. What used to be relegated to the college campus has now filtered itself down through our elementary schools and even into pre-K organizations and is purposefully designed to condition our character and lead us astray.

Most don’t even realize that even the history that us “old-timers” learned about our Constitution is plagued with inaccuracies and scrubbed to fit the agenda of the federal monarchy we see today in all its bold arrogance. Little know that our government was built and intended to be a confederation of Independent sovereign States that had absolute control over a very small and all but toothless federal assembly. The sad and perhaps even more frightening fact is that so many believe that at its core that is truly how our governmental system still functions.

No sir my friends, that system and the Constitution that formed it was illegitimately usurped starting with Lincoln and his ridiculous claim that the union existed before the State and the illegitimate, illegal, unconstitutional and immoral enactment of the 14th amendment and has continued steadfast to this day. Our beloved Jeffersonian democratic republic and Constitution was torn apart and reassembled into the tyrannical federal monarchy of absolutes we see coming into its full fruition right before our eyes today.

The fact is that we can either try to take and change it back or we can start over, in either case there will be nothing easy about it. We already see signs of the shift, signs of what is coming both from our tyrannical illegitimate government that took control back around 1866 and from legitimate pushback and rebellion to that regime and its malevolent dictatorship. We see Counties and States nullifying state and federal orders, we see talk of secession not just by “conservative“ States but also by extremely progressive States and even Counties within states.

Yes my friends, change is in the air and we can either stick our heads in the sand and kiss our butts goodbye or we can rally behind those who are willing to fight and even die to make the State great again and in doing so make America great again.

No, don’t take that slogan as an endorsement for any political character. I am one that believes that both sides are equally complicit in this radical change and tyrannical power grab. To me they are simply flip sides of the same coin, both aiming for the same target simply using different carrots to direct the flow of the donkeys that mindlessly follow them. The system is broken at its core and there is not one of them who sits up in their big white castles and gated communities that isn’t part of the brokenness.

No, the only solution is the raising up of the sovereign State and bringing these governmental pariahs of the federal monarchy to their knees or simply walking away. Anymore I am not sure which would be easier or better, but the one thing I know for sure is that now is the time and this is the place because it isn’t going to get any better or easier. It is simply a matter of time before a State oversteps the patience of this tyrannical federal government and the first shot is fired.

We have already seen this time and time again on the local level with ridiculous red flag laws, shutting down churches and businesses, and now threatening livelihoods with ridiculous mandates, but for some reason that is beyond my comprehension we still refuse to move? Why does it always seem to take some catastrophic event before our American hard headedness kicks in? Why does it seem that we only give lip service when our neighbors freedoms and rights are taken but never move until they are pulling us out of our homes, shutting down our churches, closing our businesses, burning down our cities??? Why don’t we realize that these incidences are not isolated and that this constant state of denial that we tend and yes like to live in is simply a ridiculous coating of sugar on a big putrid pile of crap!

Violence may already be inevitable and had we stood up and rallied together years ago there may have been a chance for either a peaceful resolution or a amicable split, but in any case I believe that that time has been left to history and well past our current condition. We must look to the future regardless of how it looks or where that takes us. The undeniable truth is that the road we are on now is clearly laid out and the destination looms ominously just over the horizon.


This magnificent Lady stands bigger than life itself with all of her regal splendor. She is filled with love and a fierce pride for this, the only home she has ever known.

For almost one hundred and thirty nine years the twenty-five ‘widows’ in her royal crown have represented the most valuable gems the earth bears, and at night, seven of those jeweled windows send rays of light honoring the seven continents of the world. She looks out over the huge patchwork quilt that is her land stretching from sea to shining sea, sewn together with the fine threads of freedom.

We call her Lady Liberty….She watched brave frontiersmen carve paths for the pioneers making their way westward to new lands waiting to be developed into towns and farms. She has heard the squeals of excitement from the children on Christmas morning. Her lips curled with amusement as she watched lovers carve their initials in a tree. She has witnessed births, bar mitzvahs and mourned at burials. Many times she stood silently as families waved goodbye when loved ones marched valiantly to battlefields here and in distant lands, to defend the very freedoms we’ve grown to expect and treasure.

Today, Lady Liberty is seeing the quilt’s patches fall apart as the threads of freedom unravel. Oh, there are some working diligently to make repairs, but their number are far to few to keep up with the barrage of crises hampering their efforts. It would seem to her that the self indulgent fail to realize that their own patch will fall without the support of others. Instead of fields filled with the amber waving grain and fun filled church socials, she’s finding barren fields, empty pews and brother pitted against brother. Her ears ache from the constant squabbling of those we sent to Congress as they fight like jackals over a piece of meat.

Worst of all, She sees the blind obedience of bondage descending on her family with little resistance. And she wonders what is happening to this extraordinary land that God has blessed. Shall it be put asunder? Her tears fall gently, turning to rust as the touch the long flowing folds of her dress. Angry waves lap viciously at her feet, threatening to pull her down to the dark menacing ocean floor to rot in a solitary grave, taking our Sovereignty , our very existence with her.

The Lady has fallen……Liberty is dead. 

NO! NO! You SAY, but are you willing to do what it takes to stop the unraveling?

It’s understandable if some are a little nervous or afraid to roll up their sleeves and get involved. Just remember, Real courage is being fearful and doing it anyway. We’ve all stumbled at times. Don’t worry, someone will help you up. And, surprisingly, you just may land in the ‘perfect’ spot to shine!

In all of HIS wisdom, we are all created with a unique’ ability or talent that doesn’t require an alphabet of educational degrees…just old fashioned ‘horse sense’. It takes a lot of little things to make one big thing and little things have the ‘domino effect’. One letter to the editor, one phone call to a blog or radio program, one conversation or speech to a group, one hour a week as a campaign volunteer. Of course there are organizations that would welcome you…. No one can effectively take on all of the issues that need help. Choose the one that is most important to you and focus on just that. Whatever you decide, act now….sitting on a pity pot wringing your hands and complaining to other ring bottoms isn’t helping.

Imagine the pride and the joy of knowing you, yes, you helped save an entire Nation ! WOW! No one likes broken promises..YOU MADE A PROMISE when you Pledged Alligance to the Flag and for which it stands. I sure hope you meant it, because both Liberty and Justice are being destroyed and the Big Boot of Government is wiping its feet on our Constitution while blowing its nose on our Bill of Rights.

Old Uncle Sam needs you! NOW!

I ask, no, I beg you to join the Army that marches behind the Cross our Nation was founded on to wipe away Lady Liberty’s tears and defend this land we were blessed with and call home.

In Prayer for our Nation, Jan Brown. ONE AMERICAN

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.