The Venezuelan/Smartmatic-Bizta/Florida Links to the Great Election Fraud of 2020 thumbnail

The Venezuelan/Smartmatic-Bizta/Florida Links to the Great Election Fraud of 2020

By P. Brooks

“Smartmatic has helped hundreds of millions of voters cast 6.5 billion votes in thousands of elections around the world.” — Smartmatic website

Watch Smartmatic CEO Antonio Mugica Rivero admitting to “manipulating turnout numbers’ in July 2017 Venezuela election – 59 to 41.

According to Wikipedia,

In 2017, Los Angeles County signed a $282 million contract with Smartmatic to create an election system to be used for future elections,[97][98] and became the first publicly owned voting system in the United States.[99] The system will be used for the first time during the 2020 California Democratic primary.[97][98] Both software and hardware were developed in the United States by Smartmatic, while ownership of all products and intellectual properties were then given to Los Angeles County.[97] The machines developed incorporate an interactive ballot that is printed by each voter to validate results, and then deposited back into voting machines.[99][100] According to VSAP, interest in the voting system was expressed by other districts in the United States and internationally.[99]

In a column titled “Smartmatic: All Things ConnectedAlek Boyd wrote,

The Miami Herald reported on Friday May 28, 2004 :

A large and powerful investor in the software company that will design electronic ballots and record votes for Venezuela’s new and much criticized election system is the Venezuelan government itself…Venezuela’s investment in Bizta Corp., the ballot software firm, gives the government 28 percent ownership of the company it will use to help deliver voting results in future elections, including the possible recall referendum against President Hugo Chavez, according to records obtained by The Herald…Until a year ago, the Bizta Corp. was a struggling Venezuelan software company with barely a sales deal to its name, records show. Then, the Venezuelan government — through a venture capital fund — invested about $200,000 and bought 28 percent of it” (sic).

Further the Herald also shed light upon shareholders and registered addresses of both Smartmatic and Bizta thusly:

Three companies will build and execute Venezuela’s new touch-screen voting system. Two are incorporated in Florida, though neither does most of its business here.

* Smartmatic Corp., which will build the machines, incorporated in Florida in 2000 and lists its world headquarters at 6400 Congress Ave. in Boca Raton. Its president is Antonio Mugica Rivero, 30, and its vice president is Alfredo Anzola, 30.

Bizta Corp., which will provide software for the new machines, incorporated in Florida in 2001, and lists its address as 19591 Dinner Key Dr., Boca Raton, a residential property owned by Mugica’s father. Mugica is listed as president, and Anzola is vice president, according to Florida records. Venezuelan records, however, indicate Anzola is president. In Caracas, Bizta shares its office with Smartmatic.

* CANTV, Venezuela’s publicly held phone company, will provide phone lines to connect the system and election day technical support. It would have been part of any voting system selected for the elections contract.

Venezuelan journalist Orlando Ochoa Teran investigated the claims published by the Miami Herald and discovered that Venezuelan officials were behind the incorporation of Smartmatic. Vice President Jose Vicente Rangel and Venezuelan Ambassador to the USA Bernardo Alvarez Herrera are intimately related, either through long time friendship or consanguinity relationship, to the directors of Smartmatic. According to registry documents, that went missing after the Herald blew the whistle, the names associated to the company are Alfredo Anzola, Antonio Mugica and families Gabaldon-Anzola and Herrera-Oropeza [3]. The incorporation of Smartmatic took place in the Fifth Mercantile Registry, located in the ground floor of tower B in “Cubo Negro” building in Chuao Caracas. Vice President Jose Vicente Rangel’s daughter, lawyer Gisela Rangel Avalos de D’Armas was, at the time, the head of the said registry.

Since March 2004 the CNE has disbursed at least $131 million to Smartmatic [4].

Read more.

The Guardian in an April 22, 2019 article by Jordan Wilkie titled America’s new voting machines bring new fears of election tampering reported,

By design, tens of millions of votes are cast across America on machines that cannot be audited, where the votes cannot be verified, and there is no meaningful paper trail to catch problems – such as a major error or a hack.

For almost 17 years, states and counties around the country have conducted elections on machines that have been repeatedly shown to be vulnerable to hacking, errors and breakdowns, and that leave behind no proof that the votes counted actually match the votes that were cast.

Read more

“At the end of January – beginning of February 2004, the apparent contracting of the SBC Consortium (Smartmatic-Bizta-CanTV) for 112 million US$ took place, of which 91 million would be for Smartmatic-Bizta, in fact sixty-three (63) million would be for Smartmatic (purchase of the machines) and thirty-one (31) for Bizta (local processes)  [See Annex 6 – El Carabobeño].   

The exact amounts and responsibilities of each entity could not be specified as there was no access to the contract documents or the letters of credit apparently opened before the Bank of America in favor of Smartmatic and Bizta: They were opened before the Bank of America.

In any case, what is essential is the impossibility of trusting a company in which the government is not only a shareholderbut has appointed as its representative and Director not just any official from the public administration, but a person clearly linked to the most radical of Chavismo, Eng. Omar Montilla Castillo, which is evidenced by the following  [see Annex 5].

He was a militant and operational member during the electoral campaign in 1998 and 1999 of UNEPAD –  (Unit for Strategy and Electoral Register of the Patriotic Pole).

The director of UNEPAD was the current Minister of production and Commerce Wilmer Castro Soteldo, remember that Foncrei (owner of SCR) is attached to this ministry. 

For Castro Soteldoengineers Jorge Berrizbeitia and Omar Castillo worked in the computer science area of this unit 1, who today serve as President and General Director of the National Center for Information Technology (CNTI), an organization attached to the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Smartmatic Consortium (SBC) Founders Connected to Radical Venezuelan Communist Government

Relationship of the actors:

CNE: National Electoral Council, Public Power of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela directed by a board of five members (Francisco Carrasqueño-President, Ezequiel Zamora-Vice President, Jorge Rodríguez, Oscar Battaglini, Sobella Mejias,)

Smartmatic Corporation: Company registered in the State of Delaware on April II-2000 under file number 3209993 by Antonio Mugica Rivero (Chairman), Alfredo Anzola (Vice Chairman), Roger Piñate (Director) and Antonio Mugica Sesma (Director). It operates with Antonio Mugica and Alfredo Anzola as President and Vice President. The company applied for permission to operate as Edge Act Corporation in the State of Florida on September 11, 2000. It is a very small company that has carried out work in the area of automation. (Look at annex 1)

Bizta Corporation: Company registered in the State of Delaware on April 12, 2000 under file number 3211192 by Antonio Mugica Rivero (Chairman) without any other Director. It operates with Antonio Mugica and Alfredo Anzola as President and Vice President. The company applied for permission to operate as Edge Act Corporation in the State of Florida on January 24, 2001. It has not been possible to locate any record of any work carried out by this company. It has the same physical address and directors as Smartmatic. (Appendix 2)

Bizta R&D Software C.A.: In Caracas on October 15, 1997, the company “Software Softer C.A” was registered with a subscribed capital of five million bolivars and paid twenty percent (one million bolivars), its shareholders are Antonio Mugica Rivero and Antonio Mugica Sesma (the father). The company’s commercial registry does not show any activity until June 22, 2001, in which an Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting was held with the presence of these, and also Alfredo Anzola Jaumotte, Eduardo Correia and Sol Rivero de Mugica. In said meeting (June 22, 2001) the name was changed to Bizta R&D Software C.A., increasing the capital by 515 million bolivars to 520 million, through capitalization of the “shareholders’ credit” account and. Proceeding the sale of the entire capital stock to Bizta Corporation (Delaware, April 12, 2000- Alfredo Anzola). In this session, Eduardo Correia is appointed as President and Antonio Mugica (father) as Vice President. Ten days later (July 2, 2001) another Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting was held and Mugica (father) was replaced as Vice President. The commercial registry remains without activities until March 20, 2003, date on which the capital is increased again, now to 775 million bolivars, with the same figure of the “capitalization of shareholders’ debts”, and with the particularity that Bizta Corporation sells all the shares to the following people: Antonio Mugica R., Antonio Mugica S., Eduardo Correia and Alfredo Anzola. Eduardo Correia is maintained as President and Alfredo Anzola is appointed as Vice President.

Three months later (June 10, 2003) another Shareholders’ Meeting was held, with the shareholders present and with Marieta Maarroui de Bolívar, president of Foncrei and SCR (wife of Didalco Bolívar-Governor of Aragua), in which it is decided to increase the capital of the company by 300 million bolivars up to one thousand seventy-five million bolivars (1,075 million); noting that these three hundred million bolivars are contributed in cash by the Venezuelan State, very different from the rest of the “capital increases” that had previously been carried out, I finish. In this assembly, a group of directors is appointed, whose presence is mandatory (operating quorum 3 out of 3) for decision-making in the company’s administration. These directors are Alfredo Anzola-President, Eduardo Correia-VP and Antonio Mugica-Director. According to the meeting minutes, this meeting was to remain until June 2004. However, the next and until now last performance in the company registry is another Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting in which the Board of Directors is modified again, leaving the same Pdte and VP, but naming Omar Montilla Castillo as Director to replace Antonio Mugica. (See annex 3)

Cantv: Telefónica de Venezuela, its largest shareholder is Verizon (USA).

SCR: Venture Capital Society (not to be confused with SBC), Foncrei Subsidiary registered in Caracas on November 14, 2001, with a subscribed and fully paid capital of five billion bolivars. Its shareholders are Foncrei (4,998 shares), Anfico (Corpoindustria) (One share) and Fonpyme (One share). Its audited balance sheet as of June 2003 indicates that it only has shareholdings in two companies, a roasting company (200 million bolivars) and shares in Bizta R&D Software C.A. (Three hundred million bolivars). Several of its directors signed against the opposition deputies. It owns 28% of Bizta R&D Software C.A. (See annex 4 statutes, balance and signatures against deputies).

The hiring

Since the appointment by the TSJ of the CNE board (August 2093) the selection of the companies and systems to be used in eventual elections and referenda that would take place in Venezuela began. At the end of January – beginning of February 2004, the apparent contracting of the SBC Consortium (Smartmatic-Bizta-Cantv) for 112 million US$ took place, of which 91 million would be for Smartmatic-Bizta, in fact sixty-three million would be for Smartmatic (purchase of the machines) and thirty-one for Bizta (local processes) (See annex 6-El Carabobeño). The exact amounts and responsibilities of each entity could not be specified as there was no access to the contract documents or the letters of credit that were apparently opened before the Bank of America in favor of Smartmatic and Biz:La.

In any case, what is essential is the impossibility of trusting a company in which the government is not only a shareholder, but has appointed as its representative and Director not just any official from the public administration, but a person clearly linked to the The most radical of Chavismo, Eng. Omar Montilla Castillo, which is evidenced by the following (see Annex 5).

  1. He was a militant and operational member during the electoral campaign in 1998 and 1999 of UNEPAD (Unit for Strategy and Electoral Register of the Patriotic Pole). The director of UNEPAD was the current Minister of Production and Commerce Wilmer Castro Soteldo, remember that Foncrei (owner of SCR) is attached to this ministry. For Castro Soteldo, engineers Jorge Berrizbeitia and Omar Castillo worked in the computer science area of this unit 1, who today serve as President and General Director of the National Center for Information Technology (CNTI), an organization attached to the Ministry of Science and Technology. .
  2. His father worked in the Secretary of the Council of Ministers and in the Directorate of Registries and Notaries.
  3. In recent signature collections, he requested the recall of Liliana Hernández and Henry Ramos. Likewise, several of the members


Appendix 1


  • Registration of Incorporation in Delaware USA (II‑April‑2000)
  • Application for authorization to carry out business in Florida (Sep-11, 2000)
  • Annual reports (2003 and 2004)

Appendix 2


  • Registration of Incorporation in Delaware USA (12‑April‑2000)
  • Application for authorization to carry out business in Florida (January 24, 2001)
  • Annual report (2004)

Annex 3

Bizta R&D Software C.A:

  • Mercantile Registry (Caracas 1997) with all its modifications.

Annex 4

SCR‑Venture Capital Company (Froncrei Subsidiary):

• Mercantile Registry (2001) with all its modifications.

• Audited Balance (June‑2003) where the only two investments are shown (Torrefactora and Bizta)

• Signature of several of the members of its Board of Directors against the: S deputies of the opposition.

Annex 5

Omar Montilla

  • Sample of the existence of the UNEPAD-Polo Patriotico headed by Castro Soteldo (report El Universal, Yolanda Valery, 1998).
  • List of ex-members of UNEPAD-Polo Patriotico who are part of the CNTI board together with Montilla.
  • Signature of Montilla against opposition deputies (2004)
  • Official Gazette of the appointments of the father in various government positions.

Annex 6


  • News (Aporrea, El Carabobeño, El Universal) on the recent contracting of the Smartmatic-Bizta-Cantv consortium.

Annex 7


Comments on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

  • Applicability of the Rico Act.

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