THOUGHT POLICE: Google Spends Millions to Launch ‘Global Fact Check’ Fund thumbnail

THOUGHT POLICE: Google Spends Millions to Launch ‘Global Fact Check’ Fund

By The Geller Report

It’s not enough that Google censors and scrubs its search results of accurate information and right wing websites. No, they must smear, slander, defame those who oppose or dissent from their totalitarian propaganda.

Google and their subsidiary YouTube announced that they will be providing millions to an international Fact Checking Network with the goal of launching a new “Global Fact Check Fund.”

Who fact checks the fact checkers?

“Fact checker” is merely a euphemism for thought police, censorship and suppression of truth. These dishonest merchants smear, defame and libel anyone who dares stray from the totalitarian narrative. With Google’s enormous investment in this hate machinery, expect that it will indeed get much worse.

Chiara Vercellone is a self described “Misinformation Reporter.” Wrap your head around that like Goebbels-inspired nugget.

The best part about this is that Chiara Vercellone investigated Trump’s crotch

then wrote about it.

— Bearfort (@So_ynoT) June 8, 2021

Google, YouTube spend MILLIONS to launch Global Fact Check Fund

The move, which marks the companies’ largest fact-checking grant to date, comes as they continue to ramp up their fight against “misinformation” online.

By: Post Millenial, December  2, 2022:

On Tuesday, Google and YouTube announced that they will be providing a $13.2 million grant to the nonprofit Poynter Institute’s International Fact Checking Network with the goal of launching a new “Global Fact Check Fund,” set to launch in early 2023.

The move, which marks the companies’ largest fact-checking grant to date, comes as they continue to ramp up their fight against “misinformation” online.

According to Google and YouTube, the grant will “support [the Poynter Institute’s] network of 135 fact-checking organizations from 65 countries covering over 80 languages.”

The companies justified their decision by noting that “helping people to identify misinformation is a global challenge.”

“The Global Fact Check Fund,” they explained, “will help fact-checkers to scale existing operations or launch new ones that elevate information, uplift credible sources and reduce the harm of mis- and disinformation around the globe.”

According to Google and YouTube, the grant will “support [the Poynter Institute’s] network of 135 fact-checking organizations from 65 countries covering over 80 languages.”

The companies justified their decision by noting that “helping people to identify misinformation is a global challenge.”

“The Global Fact Check Fund,” they explained, “will help fact-checkers to scale existing operations or launch new ones that elevate information, uplift credible sources and reduce the harm of mis- and disinformation around the globe.”

Keep reading.


Pamela Geller


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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.