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Ukraine and the ‘War-Time President’

By Wallace Bruschweiler

Why did Fox News Corp. owner, Rupert Murdoch, take top-rated Tucker Carlson off the air but keep Carlson on the payroll at $20 million dollars per year? Even though divorced four times, costing Murdoch billions of dollars, the 92-year-old Murdoch is still sharp enough to know that no incumbent American President has ever been voted out of office during a “time of war.”

Therefore, if Donald J. Trump is to be kept out of the Oval Office, it is essential for the proxy war in Ukraine between the United States and Russia to continue through the upcoming presidential election cycle; thereby, allowing Joe Biden* to run for reelection as a “war-time president.”

Ergo: if American election history holds true, Biden* cannot lose. Even President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ), despite his increasingly obvious mismanagement of the Vietnam War, was elected to a full term in 1964.

Case study: With the Cold War over, President George H.W. Bush (a.k.a. Bush 41) began his term in January 1989 as a “peace-time president.” In August 1990, Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. President Bush 41 allowed his generals the freedom of action denied by LBJ to General Westmoreland in Vietnam. The world’s fourth-largest Army was defeated in 100 hours. During those 100 hours, President Bush 41 was a “war-time president.” But, following the defeat of Saddam Hussein, President Bush 41 became, once again, a “peace-time president,” and remained so.

Then, despite the fact that Navy Lt. George H.W. Bush had been a highly decorated hero in WWII, the “peace-time President Bush 41” was defeated for reelection in 1992 by the Vietnam War draft dodger, William J. Clinton.

Consider if President Bush 41 had waited until 1992 to eject Saddam Hussein from Kuwait, President Bush 41 could have campaigned as a “war-time president.” If previous election history pertained, then President Bush 41 would have been reelected. Thus, the nation might have been spared the Clintons (Vince Foster, Monica, White Water, Russia Hoax, e-mail destructions, ad nauseum), possibly spared the reign of Bush 43 (Irag/Afghanistan/sub-prime mortgage crisis), and possibly spared Barak Hussein Obama (fundamentally transforming America by kick-starting the nation’s downhill plunge to today’s reduced position in world affairs).

Fast forward to today: Tucker Carlson and some of his guests were using Tucker’s hold on Tucker’s massive TV audience to urge that the United States get out of the proxy war with Russia. Carlson contends the U.S. has no vital interests at stake in Ukraine. Emotional, yes. Vital, no. Carlson questions the billions of dollars, the tons of military equipment, and the secret military training the Biden* Regime is lavishing on Ukraine.

Obviously, if Rupert Murdoch’s political objectives were to be fulfilled, Murdoch could not allow the nation’s most-watched TV anchor to turn Joe Biden* into a “peace-time president.”

But, if the proxy war between the U S and Russia in Ukraine could be prolonged into the 2024 presidential election cycle, even Joe Biden* (despite his dismal record) could be sold to the electorate as a “war-time president.” If so, History suggests old Joe Biden* could totter along until VP Kamala Harris takes over to finish Biden’s* second term and possibly occupy the Oval Office for two terms of her own.

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*election disputed.