VIDEO: Florida School Board Member Bridget Ziegler Discusses Critical Race Theory

As an outspoken Pro-Trump Conservative Republican, I have fielded my share of weird and nasty attacks, but NOTHING compares to the baseless, crazy attacks my wife takes on a daily basis from The Left for being a Pro-Parent Conservative on the School Board.

Yet, Bridget continues to power thru and do her part to help protect our kids and set the next generation on a path towards success.

Today, those efforts were on full display as she appeared on Fox News for an extended conversation about her fight against Critical Race Theory at the local level and Governor DeSantis’ leadership on this important issue at the state level.

Watch the clip above, and then send her a note if you have any feedback. Her email is:

We need more of this proactive Conservative leadership across the state and country. I hope you are recruiting some solid School Board Candidates in your local area and holding the currently elected School Board Members accountable.

©Christian Ziegler. All rights reserved.