VIDEO: Six Feet Of Blood Clots Removed From Vaxxed High School Football Player’s Legs thumbnail

VIDEO: Six Feet Of Blood Clots Removed From Vaxxed High School Football Player’s Legs

By The Geller Report

His calves were swelled up four inches larger. Watch:

They are STILL telling everyone to get boosters, when stories like this 1👇🏻are everywhere these days.

“Kaden Clymer, a junior lineman, had six feet of blood clots removed from his legs just days before the season kicked off.”

— Nat (@Arwenstar) September 6, 2022

Six Feet Of Blood Clots Removed From High School Football Player’s Legs Days Before Season Starts [VIDEO]

“His calves were swelled up four inches larger, in circumference, than they are now. So, he was very uncomfortable.”

By Gregory Hoyt, Red Voice, September 6, 2022

WAUSEON, OH – A high school football player has had his athletic career cut short after doctors found and removed approximately six feet of blood clots from the teenager’s legs. The cause of the blood clots is not yet known, but the teen now requires a regimen of blood thinners to ensure the issue doesn’t crop up again.

Kaden Clymer is a junior at a high school located in Wauseon and was looking forward to the start of the football season at school. However, playing the sport is no longer in the cards after an anomaly was discovered this past August.

Kaden’s mother, Maurine Clymer explained the bizarre medical issues that seemingly came out of nowhere on August 1st, telling a local news crew, “His dad took him to the emergency room after he was having severe pain in his back and legs.”

Tyson Rodriguez, one of Kaden’s teammates, remarked on when the issues first began fleshing out in the teen, saying, “I was a bit confused because I didn’t really know what was happening. He just told me that he wasn’t feeling good.”

On the evening prior to the high school football team had their first practice in the fall, Kaden was rushed to Toledo Children’s Hospital, with his mother explaining, “His calves were swelled up four inches larger, in circumference, than they are now. So, he was very uncomfortable.”

Looking back on his time at the hospital, Kaden stated, “I just wanted to go home, honestly. I didn’t really care what they did to me. I just wanted to go home.”

The teen and his family would eventually get the news of blood clots being the culprit behind the severe leg swelling. When Kaden learned of the underlying issue, he said he felt “really sad. I was crying and upset because I’ve played football my whole life, and I just wanted to play with my friends.”

An astonishing six feet of blood clots were removed from the teen’s legs, and has since been prescribed blood thinners that have ended his football career. After spending nine days in the hospital, the teenager returned to school while barely being able to walk.

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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.