VIDEO: Town Clerk in Massachusetts CONFIRMS Mail-In Ballots ‘Glitch’

Project Veritas released a new video today of a town clerk in Millis, Massachusetts, Lisa Jane Hardin, who confirmed that a glitch resulted in hundreds of mail-in ballots being sent to voters that didn’t request them.
Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Lisa Jane Hardin, Millis Town Clerk: “It was something in the computer program that entered them as having applied for the November ballot.”
  • Hardin: “Well, it was some programming error…”
  • Hardin: “So, theoretically they shouldn’t have been in there [computer system] at all as wanting to have something mailed to them.”
  • Hardin: “We weren’t supposed to just mail out ballots to people unless they ask for it.”

You can watch the full video here:

This video is yet another example of the government failing to uphold Voter Integrity.
How can Americans trust that our voting system is secure when government officials admit to these sorts of failures?
Project Veritas will continue to investigate voting irregularities since the Mainstream Media refuses to do the job.
EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas video report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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