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Vladimir Putin and His KGB’s Mafia/Army

By Simona Pipko

To grasp the events going on in America and the world, the awareness of the “Mafia”-concept is imperative. That is the cause-aim I have been writing about the Soviet Mafia and called it the KGB–Mafia/Army for forty years. For you information, here is the official definition of the concept of “Mafia”:

“An organized international body of criminals, operating originally in Sicily and now especially in Italy and the US and having a complex and ruthless behavioral code.”

“2. A closed group of people in a particular field, having a controlling influence.” Definitions from Oxford Languages

“Mafia” is an informal term that is used to describe criminals. For that exact reason, I have spent forty years writing to you the crime committed by the political “Mafia,” the KGB across the globe. The American people should grasp this concept to determine the real face of the Democrat Party by its agenda, tactics, methods, and dirty tricks. I also described the Socialist modus operandi: lies, deceit, fabrication and fraud. I did it to show you the real crime in achieving the Democrats agenda—building Socialism and destroying American capitalism. When I heard the words “bribery scheme” in Biden’s dealings, Russia came to mind instantly. Read my columns about the system of bribes in Russia.

I have been calling the Left by many different names: Stalinist Henchmen, the Soviet Apparatchiks, Socialist Charlatans, and others. As you can see all those names are connected to Soviets/Russians. The recent story of the way Biden’s election and interference in 2020 had been managed by Mike Morel and Antony Blinken gives the most appropriate name to the Democrat Party and the Left that support it—the Mafia. Watching the Dems for forty years, I saw them implementing all the attributes executed by the Soviet Mafia in Russia. That helped me to realize—we are managed by the Soviet Mafia in America.

The Antony Blinken affair is more consequential than you think. A former head of Intelligence John Ratcliffe had listed several individuals in Biden’s government who participated in Blinken’s story. They all are the same members of the Dem groups who joined Witch Hunts against Trump in 2016 and 2020. That same group of the Dem government were engaged in election interference and two weeks before election 2020 as well. Antony Blinken, Secretary of State and Jake Sullivan, National Security Adviser had been engaged in lies, deceit, fabrication and fraud to change the election in favor of Joe Biden. Antony Blinken orchestrated the CIA letter two days before the Trump/Biden debate, several other Dems have participated in the fraudulent operation as co-conspirators. Don’t you think that we are dealing with a criminal group in the government-a Mafia? I do.

The Soviet Mafia

My colleague, a famous defense attorney in Moscow in his book The Soviet Mafia has given us a definition of it, St. Martin Press 1992. This is a book about how the ENTIRE SOVIET SYSTEM *WAS* A MAFIA operation. The entire leadership and every level of management was SYNONYMOUS with Mafia. The book described monumental corruption and abuse from top to bottom of the Soviet Government, killings and assassinations of thousands of people, and criminality in a colossal range…  Every word in the book is the Truth, and my writing is a continuation of the events in America forty years later…

The system of monumental corruption and abuse in Russia is alive and well, because the KGB is alive and well. As a usual Soviet trick, Putin just changed the name KGB to FSB, but the mission and essence of the agency stays the same. As socialist economy collapsed, he implemented crony capitalism under power of the FSB, which is in reality a continuation of the KGB’s Mafia/Army in my definition. Putin is a devoted disciple of Stalin and Andropov. Hence, he continued their legacy of WWIII against capitalist America and global Western civilization. The events in America and Ukraine are the evidence of that war going on within America and globally.

I know Vladimir Putin as a master of espionage with extensive experience.  I have been writing about his KGB’s Mafia/Army—an Evil Doer for forty years. Millions of Americans had been killed as a result of the criminal activities of the KGB’s Mafia/Army—an Evil Doer within America and across the globe. The war started decades ago within the Dem party. Remember the definition of WWIII. My definition of WWIII gives you the essence of the war, its tactics, methods, forms, and tricks of the 20th century war.

A Global WWIII and America

WWIII: Recruitment and Drugs, Infiltration and Assassinations. The arsenal of war has dramatically increased due to technological development in the 21st century. It intertwined with criminal activities in the 20th century and subversive actions of the KGB’s Mafia/Army have quadrupled. We have today Chinese secret police stations in New York City, like we had Russian spies and pro-Russian propaganda in the 20th century. The Soviet Mafia is a major ideological part of the KGB’s Mafia/Army. Implementing Socialism, Biden knows his role, he is laughing and dogging at the media and you, while Biden’s Green Energy Plans Pose National Security Risk and Destabilize America. Yes, the real National Security is at a stake!

For two years I have been watching Putin’s espionage operation within the Biden team. The National Guard will not solve the border problem. It is the Soviet Mafia in America—the Putin/Biden scam is ruining the political system left to us by our Founding Fathers. There are no Mexican Cartels, those are Russian cartels, established by Stalin in 1950-1960th. Putin’s Soviet Mafia is helping the American Biden’s Mafia and Biden’s policy of open borders to organize a global invasion to subvert and destroy the American constitutional Republic. It is a scam and treason of the Democrat leadership. WWIII is an economic and military contest between Socialism/Communism and American capitalism of Western civilization where the Democrat Party is taking a side of Socialism/Communism. Reading my column https://bit.ly/40x92ac  you will be able to grasp the essence of the issue and see the cause and effect.

The KGB’s Mafia/Army has achieved a great deal in America. The leak of the Supreme Court DOBBS draft took place a year ago. The investigation didn’t answer anything about the leak. Justice Alito has “A pretty good idea” who leaks the draft. Moreover, “Those of us who were thought to be in the majority, thought to have approved my draft opinion, were really targets of assassination,” Justice Alito says. Justice Alito’s comments forced me to give you my idea. I don’t know who leaked the draft of DOBBS. But… maybe thirty-six clerks are not guilty at all… I have been having another idea about the Supreme Court for years: two Supreme Court Justices have connections with the KGB’s Mafia/Army and Sotomayor is not one of them.

Russia started implementing modern transgender across the world in the 20th century. My column of April 20, 2023, in the fragment Human Trafficking gives you details of how sex and gender have been exploited and abused by the Russian Intel in the 20th century. I can add to the discussion another event on the same subject like Abortion and how Dems defrauded the concept of Choice. Please, read my column: Abortions and Perpetrated Fraud in America: My response to ‘NYC 2020 FASHION WEEK’, February 14, 2020

The episode when Biden received a written question ahead of time is not the news. I’d like to remind you of an analogous episode with Donna Lease Brazile. She was an American political strategist, campaign manager and political analyst who served twice as acting Chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The same episode took place with CNN, when Donna Brasille gave ahead of time a written by the Dems question to CNN. I believe the KGB’s Mafia/Army had played a role there, as well…

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was a man of decency and intellect. He had been assassinated with the participation of an American Democrat. If you read my column close to the time of the Abe assassination, you will find my intriguing idea and description of that American Democrat. The crime was a result of close ties by the Russian Intel with the Democrat Party. The Republicans still don’t know that the KGB’s Mafia/Army is a global entity as it had been before the Collapse of the USSR. Its former Republics Ukraine or Kazakhstan and foreign satellites like Bulgaria or Romania are still under the KGB’s control and power.

Jesse Watters in Fox News Prime Time asked a former FBI member:  Was Jeffry Epstein the CIA Intel asset? Yes, was the FBI member’s answer. I disagree. Jeffry Epstein was a Russian Intel asset, a member of the KGB’s Mafia/Army! I have already discussed the idea in my column several years ago. The FBI doesn’t know Russia, its Intel and Security Apparatus that have been infiltrating America and the world for a hundred years. Their influence had a tremendous effect on our morality, culture, and truthfulness, it has changed our system of values and people’s mentality…

That happened because the FBI Director Mr. Wray has misinformed you. He said that China is our main enemy. He was wrong five year ago and he is wrong now. Our major enemy is the ideology of Socialism/Communism, which I called Soviet fascism, conducted by Russia, China, and the “Axis of Evil under Russia’s umbrella. He didn’t know Russia and doesn’t know now that the deadly influence of the KGB’s Mafia/Army has changed the culture and mentality of America. Hence, he doesn’t know that the KGB’s Mafia/Army had brought Joe Biden to the White House…

My fellow Americans!

Knowledge is power! We can’t fail, our children and grandchildren will never forgive us! Educating yourself, knowledge, courage and perseverance can save America the Beautiful.

It is now or never!

Freedom’s torch is yours!

To be continued  ​https://www.simonapipko.com and at www.drricswier.com/author/spipko/

We have obliged to save our country from the Democrats, who are selling out America to the foreigners!

©2023 Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

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