Voter Fraud Banner Seen on Washington, D.C. Beltway


My friend Richard from Blue Ridge Forum said this on his facebook page about the novel protest.  (BTW, there will be a pro-Trump rally in DC on Saturday!)

“Maryland Patriots Use Overpass Media To Bring Massive Voter Fraud Into Commuters’ Focus”

Yesterday Maryland Overpass-Media veterans Ed Hunter and Lewis Porter displayed their arresting signs on Gorman Road Bridge in Howard County over Northbound I-95 from 2 to 5 pm.
The northbound sign read ‘VOTER FRAUD’ and the southbound sign read ‘STOP THE STEAL’.
Porter (of Maryland 20/20 Watch) declared–
“Great day, lots and lots of positive responses with waves and honks from the highway. Very few negative responses. All in a very beautiful day for an active political protest. One small negative response from a woman who stopped the car on the bridge to yell at us to ‘take our sign down.'”

RELATED ARTICLE: has the Actual Electoral Vote Count by State
EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.