We Are Saving America!

(Foreword by Fred Brownbill:- Before you read this mornings blog, please do me a favor. Please hit the follow button and register to get this humble scribes blog sent daily to your email address. There are very seldom more than one a day, sent early to your mail box. Then you can hit the like button if you actually like it, comment and share. I try to answer every comment left. I have been told that many of these blogs contain vital information written in common sense language and an opinion that is definitely not politically correct!! The huge percentage increase weekly in hits on this blog confirm that.)

On Monday September 20th I was lucky enough to have been invited to “The American Project Leadership Council” organized by such people as General Flynn & Dr. Patrick Byrne of the America Project. Speaking on Medical Tyranny: Dr. Simone Gold, MD and George Wentz, Jr. Esq. of Frontline doctors. On the subject of Election Integrity: Jovan Pulitzer, Futurist-Innovator, and Col. Phil Waldron, Stragegic Advisor to the America Project. Then a favorite of most on the subject of Religious Liberty: Kris Anne Hall. A strong patriot and phenomenal speaker and teacher of the constitution. On the vital subject of Educational Freedom: Keith Flaugh and Domine Clemons of the Florida Citizens Alliance spoke.

This meeting originally was to have been a live event but turned into a virtual affair due to issues with fire marshals and the stupidity that is the 2020’s. Unfortunately I had issues logging in and missed the first hour but I have been told I will get the info imparted by these awesome speakers sent to me.

There was so much information given out with accompanying pictures, media slides etc. I was going to take notes, screenshots etc. but the info was so valuable and coming so fast I couldn’t do it all so decided to just listen and ask questions or make statements.

Luckily a good few of the speakers were former very active members of the Save America Foundation I ran in the Tampa Bay Area for many years in the Tea Party era so I know them. Several have promised to get me info from the event in a blog form or in a form I can get to you all. There will be multiple links and you will have to possibly spend a little time on it but it will be worth your time.

Apart from the election integrity, probably the subject most useful to you all as the vaccine mandate begins to bite, is what to do when your boss or landlord tells you that you need to be vaccinated in order to continue working or living there. I have supplied in previous blogs details and information on religious exemption forms and in the next few days should be able to give you a course of action you need to take to best protect your position. As soon as I get that I will post it here and send it out as normal.

One of the main speakers from this auspicious event, Keith Flaugh, just sent me this link on ‘Government overreach in the classroom’. It is a great 28.30 minute long video so please take the time to to watch it. If you have school age kids it is a must. This was his message to me and therefore to you all. “We are very proud of the amazing team we are building and an even more amazing track record for improving K-12 education here in Florida . I think you will enjoy this TV interview with our full time Director of Operations, Domine Clemons and Mat Staver, President and CEO of Liberty Counsel, a premier law firm fighting for First Amendment Rights.”

One of the things most of you want to do but may find cumbersome is to contact your elected officials to tell him or her how you wish them to vote. Examples may be on these monstrous spending bills. A website which I just started using. to contact my politician is the following. https://www.contactmypolitician.com/
Tell everyone in your base to tell their politician NO on raising any debt. If we want to stop socialism/communism we must control the purse. Always follow the money. Or in the case of the federal government the money being printed uncontrollably 24/7 with nothing to support it back it up. Fiat currency. Inflation maker! As a friend of mine and radio host Karen Schoen says:- Applying Knowledge is Power!

TAP, The America Project, has a great site ( linked below ) with a lot of information on a varied subject matter. Please look at joining them and donating to the work they do. It is incredibly important now, probably more so than at any other time in our history, that you are tied to real patriots and real time legitimate and factual information to debunk the lies and propaganda being spewed out hourly by the most corrupt and leftist MSM on the earth today. Truth and accurate information will be your weapon of choice in today’s world. If we are smart they are maybe all we will need before we aspire to an armed insurrection.

Things to watch out for this week is the result of the election fraud investigation in the Maricopa County 2020 election which will be released around Thursday. Below are a few slides from the presentation to wet your whistle so to speak on the info coming out of that in depth forensic examination of the ballots and the systems and results. Look at them all carefully and fully understand the depth and depravity that the Democrats and their Socialist/communist partners went to so as to steal the election that they knew they had lost.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.