Why We Are Endorsing Alek Skarlatos for Congress in Oregon’s 4th District thumbnail

Why We Are Endorsing Alek Skarlatos for Congress in Oregon’s 4th District

By Dr. Rich Swier

Alek Skarlatos is a former National Guardsman, an American Patriot, a proud conservative Republican and is running for Congress in Oregon’s 4th District.

In an email titled “270 rounds of ammunition” Alek Skarlatos lays out why we endorsed his run for the U.S. Congress in Oregon’s 4th Congressional District. Alek states:

I had just finished serving our great nation in Afghanistan when I decided to take a vacation with my two childhood friends in Europe during 2015. We were traveling on a Paris-bound train when a terrorist armed with a gun, a jar of gasoline, and 270 rounds of ammunition attempted to take over our train.

As a soldier, I was trained to take out a terrorist threat – As an American, I was taught to stand up for freedom no matter where I was in the world. Which is why I, my friends and other brave travelers took the action needed to stop this terrorist.

For this, the President awarded me the United States Army’s Soldier’s Medal, and the events of that fateful day were later retold in the film The 15:17 to Paris, directed by Clint Eastwood.

But I didn’t do what I did to receive recognition – I did it out of duty. And now, duty is calling me again.

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I have seen the dangers of this world, and I have stood up for freedom in the face of terrorism. I know the strength it takes to stand up and fight for what is right – which is why I want to take on the anti-American, radical-Left in Washington.

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For the first time since 1986, there is no incumbent running for election in this coastal district, giving Republicans a REAL opportunity to pick up this seat and put it in our column, flipping the House majority in the process.

I am committed to restoring conservative leadership to this district. Southern Oregon’s economy has wasted away due to the Leftist control of the longtime incumbent and his radical-Left allies.

I am running for Congress to represent the loggers, veterans, moms, dads and families that hold the American dream dear. The constituents of Oregon’s 4th district are hard-workers who have fought to make ends-meet under the Leftist leadership that has only hindered them.

We fully support Alek and other Constitutional conservatives like him who understand the threat America is facing from within.


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