Wind turbines irreparable harm to our natural world: CFACT to NJ GOP legislators thumbnail

Wind turbines irreparable harm to our natural world: CFACT to NJ GOP legislators

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

Last week I participated in a hearing conducted by the New Jersey Senate GOP on the subject of offshore wind and whales.  During my testimony I spoke about the “irreparable harm” in store for both people and marine life from permitting these unbelievably massive offshore wind farms to spoil the Jersey Shore.

You can watch the entire hearing below.  My testimony starts at 1:07.

“It’s our contention that the reckless net zero energy policies that are currently being pursued by the Biden Administration as well as certain governors and agencies at both the national and state level” I said, “are doing irreparable harm to our natural world, and they should be halted until further research be undertaken to assess their impacts.”

The rush that federal and state officials are putting on to broom these offshore wind projects through is as stunning as it is irresponsible.  Our coasts are being spoiled without regard to the harmful impacts in store.  This may spell the end for the Atlantic Right Whale as well as other species.

“The decibel level of the sonar testing for the offshore wind, where you are at [New Jersey], is not far removed from that which the Navy used, often reaching near 200 decibels,” I explained, “the monopile driving to place the wind turbines into the ground can also reach that level or higher as well as the operational sound of giant wind turbines once they’re up and running according to our research. This presents a clear and present danger to all whale species, especially the Right Whale, of which there are only about 350 or so that remain in the wild.”

Offshore wind is an inefficient way to produce energy, but a very efficient way to wreck natural habitats. CFACT calls for a halt until all the impacts are thoroughly understood.

For nature and people too.


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EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.