You Are Whatever You Say You Are – or – How The West Was Lost thumbnail

You Are Whatever You Say You Are – or – How The West Was Lost

By Jihad Watch

At a school in Great Britain, one more example of the insanity that has gripped large parts of the Western world was recently on display. One pupil, a 13-year-old eighth grader, questioned another pupil’s decision to identify as a “cat.” This innocent inquiry was overheard by the teacher, who went into a tirade about that child even daring to question another child’s “choice” of “identity.” More on this bizarrerie can be found in this story from several weeks ago, which, sadly, retains its relevance:

Teacher calls student ‘despicable’ for questioning classmate’s claim she’s a cat

by Eric Utter, American Thinker, June 24, 2023

Recently, a 13-year-old girl was called “despicable” by her progressive, tolerant, inclusive, and nonjudgmental teacher at a Church of England school in the United Kingdom after asking a classmate how she could identify as a cat.

The schoolgirl– and her friend– were reprimanded by the Rye College teacher near the end of an eighth grade “life education” class, in which they were told: “Be who you want to be and how you identify is up to you,” according to The Telegraph.

Following the “lesson,” one of the students asked a classmate: “How can you identify as a cat when you’re a girl?” Good question. Inquiring minds want to know.

But not the teacher, who then informed the students they were being reported to school administrators and would no longer be welcome at the school if they continued to express radical beliefs such as that one can’t become another sex– or species—simply by claiming to be one.

A video clip, taken by one of the students, shows the teacher remarking, “How dare you, you’ve just really upset someone” by “questioning their identity.”

To which the student replies: “If they want to identify as a cat or something then they are genuinely unwell – crazy.” The teacher then proceeds to ask the young girls where they got the preposterous notion that there are only two genders. The indoctrinator avers:

Gender is not linked to the parts that you were born with, gender is how you identify, which is what I said right from the very beginning of the lesson.” Right. Gender in no way correlates to the “parts that you were born with,” which are randomly distributed– for some reason. Or, more likely, no reason at all….

Microaggressions and hate speech allegedly abound. “Misgender” somebody or “dead name” them and you are deemed to be a monster. Words are now frequently construed as “literally violence” by those on the left. Yet, the unimpeachably progressive “educator” finds it okay—necessary even—to label a young student “despicable” for her failure to believe a person who claims to be a cat…actually is one. Wow.

Fellow Westerners, one question: Just how much intolerance (disguised as tolerance), authoritarianism, amorality– and insanity –are you willing to put up with?

My fellow Americans, perhaps it is time we listened to our founding fathers……rather than obeying the Marxist/Fascist whackos who would be our masters.

If I choose to identify as an African-American, can I qualify for reparations in California? Can I be admitted to the college of my choice under affirmative action?

If I choose to identify as a woman, and exhibit couvade-like symptoms, or pseudocyesis, can I go on paid maternity leave?

If I choose to identify as a cat, will the government pay CHEWY to deliver Friskies Party Mix Natural Yums With Real Chicken Cat Treats to my door?

Questions, very good questions.



EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.