America’s Corrupt Two-Tier Justice System thumbnail

America’s Corrupt Two-Tier Justice System

By The Geller Report

We are living under illegitimate banana republic style justice system, one for Republicans and one for Democrats. Conservatives get the book thrown at them while the progressives walk.

This destruction of our justice system is leading the downfall of our Republic.

America’s Insanely Two-Tiered Justice System Perfectly Encapsulated in Sentencing of Antifa Arsonist

By Bonchie | RedState, July 19, 2022:

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. A Black Lives Matter rioter gets off with a light sentence after doing something objectively worse than just about everyone who walked into the Capitol Building on January 6th.

This latest example may take the cake, though. Ayoub Tabri traveled from Alexandria, VA, to Philidelphia, PA, in 2020, torching a police car during the Black Lives Matter riots that occurred. That’s where a blatant example of America’s two-tiered justice system begins.

First, the government struck a sweetheart deal with Tabri, as they have with past Antifa arsonists (including the two lawyers who threw Molotov cocktails at cops), ensuring that he wouldn’t have to serve the mandatory seven-year minimum sentence. Already, that’d showed the DOJ was willing to work with violent BLM protesters in ways they refuse to work with even non-violent January 6th protesters, many of whom entered the Capitol out of confusion.

Prosecutors then requested an intermediate sentence of 37-46 months. Yet, Tabri didn’t even get that. Instead, the judge handling the case gave him just 364 days, amounting to less than a year for torching a police car during a riot. Meanwhile, grandmas who took selfies on January 6th believing they were allowed to be in the Capitol got more than that in solitary confinement.

But trust me, it gets worse when you find out the reason why that extremely lenient sentence was given. The following tweets have the official documents posted, but for more sourcing, see this piece from The Philadelphia Inquirer.

You see, Tabri holds a green card via the government’s lottery system, which is an insane idea in its own right. Why would the United States be giving out legal entry permits to people from foreign nations based on pulling names out of a hat? That seems rather dangerous and unfair.

But I digress, the defense argued that giving Tabri over 364 days would result in the revocation of his green card and lead to his deportation. To which any normal response would be “so what?” The judge agreed with the reasoning, though, sentencing Tabri in a way that would ensure it wouldn’t qualify as an aggravated felony under federal law and making sure he could remain in the country.

In other words, a violent arsonist who torched a police car during the BLM riots received an incredibly lenient sentence specifically because of his immigration status. Being an American citizen now denotes fewer rights than being a felonious immigrant. If that’s not a perfect encapsulation of the two-tiered justice system, then nothing is.


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.