ARIZONA: Republicans Had More than 74% of Election Day Votes in Maricopa County – So Where Are Those Votes thumbnail

ARIZONA: Republicans Had More than 74% of Election Day Votes in Maricopa County – So Where Are Those Votes

By The Geller Report

If Twittergate tells is anything, it’s the Democrat party breaks every law, violates our every freedom and inalienable right, in order to get in power and stay in power – all in collusion with our most powerful intel and LE agencies. Election fraud is but one leg of the beast.

They destroyed our election system in 2020. Now they own it.

By Jim Hoft, TPG, December 2, 2022:

Black duffle bags show up at Maricopa County Center in Arizona.

In the August 2, 2022 Primary in Maricopa, registered Independents who voted in person chose Republicans 3:1 over Democrats.

Maricopa now says “Indies broke for Democrats” on Nov. 8th.

But just 3 months earlier, Indies chose Republicans by over 50 points. GP published a story on this blowout at the , with graphs.

Aug. 2nd Primary – In-Person Voting

** Independent Voters (31,318)

** 73.95% voted for Republicans (23,16)

** 23.42% voted for Democrats (7,335)

+50.53 point advantage for Republicans

In the Primary, an Indie voter who goes to the polls on election day can ask for either a Republican or Democrat ballot. 80% of those who voted in person that day, used a Republican ballot. This was a BLOWOUT. It makes no sense Indies would massively swing left by Nov. 8th.

On the August 2nd Primary in Maricopa, registered Independents who voted in person chose Republicans 3:1 over Democrats. Maricopa now says “Indies broke for Democrats” on Nov. 8th. But just 3 months earlier, Indies chose Republicans by 50 points. GP published a story on this blowout, with graphs.

And then there was the general midterm election in Arizona where we saw similar turnout.

Throughout the election cycle, Uplift posted the latest updates on mail-in ballot counts on its website as ballots arrived in the weeks leading up to Election Day. This was a great tool for Democrats to understand the real-time results. On Election Day Uplift tracked the hourly reported results from precincts across Maricopa County.

When the polls closed at 8:00 PM MT Uplift released its final analysis from the day.

Maricopa County turnout numbers on Election Day at 8:00 PM:

Republicans received 52.7% of the vote.

“Other” received 30.7% of the vote.

Democrats received 16.6% of the vote.

The “other” category is likely independents leaning Republican and Republican voters who refuse to talk to liberal pollsters.

Here is the Uplift final count chart

So, again, according to Uplift Data tracking service Republicans had 52.7% of the vote on Election Day.

Democrats had 16.6% of the vote on Election Day.

Keep reading.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.